    I am not too proud to admit....

    What strange thing did you do today that you are not too proud to admit to?


    I used a leaf blower to dust the blinds in my house..  It worked do well I blow  the sand, dust and dog hair out of my den too  :)

    +14  Views: 1288 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    what a brilliant idea Jenn did the dust end up somewhere els though! I am interested in this as I have wooden blinds they are duct collectors I love them and hate them! xxx

    I LOVE this. Awesome idea!

    Jenn - yes such a brilliant idea - I could do with one of those leaves falling from the street trees into the lightwell of my basement flat - cannot scale the railings to collect these - have to hang out the windows - on the other hand a man might help there are six of them in the flats above - and these lightwells are everyone's responsibility.

    14 Answers

    Oh, I am totally going to try that. What a great idea.
    I still can't thumbs up or comment. As soon as I can again I am Thumbing everything up even the truly strange.
    This idea deserves at least half a dozen thumbs up.... Brilliant!

    It got to all of the places i miss...

    Check again and let me know if the site is better. I got word a lot of the issues would be resolved today.

    I am thinking this would work brilliantly in 2 of my studios... the third ... not so much.  Paper and little bits and pieces would be every where. 

    I think it's a great idea Jenn and thanks to everyone else.  Leaf blowers are not just for blowing leaves any more.

    Same here fish girl..can't thumbs up/comment either and is sometimes taking 2 minutes to read "notifications". I feel as though somebody has taped my mouth shut! haha Anyway,I have to post on this one! I'm laughing out loud as I picture people using a leaf blower to dust their houses. Looks like we'll come up with anything that will speed up our vacuuming, so we can spend more time on akaQA!!!! LOL :)

    I've used a leaf blower to sweep out a shop floor. It was a huge shop and I probably got 45 minutes work done in about 5 minutes. It worked quite well. I use to work at this place that had a banner hanging from the wall, that read: Work smarter, not harder! I'm a firm believer in this philosophy!



    I am a little "ish" women who always has to accomplish as much, if not more than the men around me.. I always work smarter.. LOL

    True story.. I bought a stick shift without knowing how to drive it because my hubby could... I went to a dealer and learned how to drive a stick onj thier car... I am terrible... But SMART!

    I believe in that philosophy also Shootah.

    I logged into akaQA again.



    So we've all stopped our pouting and come back? LOL :)

    'eh, I never left. Not pouting, sometimes I just need a recharge because certain people can be so draining.

    I doubt it, but do you mean people like me? :)

    Anyone who attacks me and tells me how I need to be just because I have the moderator tag. This is not your typical discussion forum, it is a question and answer forum that allows for some discussion, so I do not have to be a typical moderator. I'm just here to ensure the rules of akaQA are adhered to and to remove vulgar posts and people who come here just to abuse the members. I am allowed to post as myself. I do not have to keep silent or coddle people just because of the tag. The only reason I have the moderator tag is because of the kids who would mouth back at me when I'd tell them no swearing or being vulgar, telling me that I could not tell them what to do because moderator was not attached to my name. So the admin gave me the moderator tag. It was not meant to be a target or something to be used against me however. I am who I am and until I get paid to do this job, I will remain free to take advantage of the freedom of speech rule like every other member here enjoys.

    So you can keep doubting that I am pouting but before you judge me too much, please pay attention to all the comments I have to deal with from those who believe I should act like a saint or something just because of a cyber tag.

    you go girl (colleen)

    i'm not to proud to admit that i did cry for my fellow human being .. or maybe i am proud to to admit that we all cry...whats the shame in admiting we are human..


    No shame in it at all.

    jenn i knew only you would understand..

    I use the blower to  blow pine needles from my roof. Would never be able to use it in my house, there would be stuff everywhere. I am glad it worked for you.

    I use it to dry my car after I wash it.


    Doesn't everyone? If not, you have a spotted car!

    No, but now I will... this site is filled with brilliant minds.

    Mind blowing isn't it? Constant gems of wisdom coming from every direction. lol

    Me too. I thought this was what you do.

    Great idea!!

    Ive been waiting for your answer ed. I did same.
    ed shank

    It's called being lazy.

    I tried out a blow pipe on my wife got from "Amazon jungle though it was store I am on a murder charge .Mind you I am glad I didn't suck in could have killed myself . lol


    Do I dare ask? Amazon Jungle the actual place?

    Only in my dreams Fish girl ha Ha Love my wife she can take a joke ."Well she took me!slip of the finger i ment write store "Jungle pygmies tribe came up selling blow pipes with darts I"LL try anything. Lol (load of lies) HEE ha

    I don't own a leaf blower but, my house sure could use one...........


    So could my flat jhhartan - all the leaves go into the lightwells as I live in the basement and nobody helps me as I hang out the window to clear them. They are all 30 somehing now and so very busy - oh really they should know what busy is - especially the 35yr old REV. only thinks of himself.

    Today a guy from Vancouver called me and we had a great conversation - he sounded delicious and charming maybe this was to do with the fact that he wanted me to play the lottery which I am not proud to admit as I did to the turn of £55.00p. which I can ill afford having to pay right now Solicitors costs due to our corrupt Freeholders running into thousands, one of whom is either in jail or court for Fraud and corruption in Texas. 

    I'm not too proud to admit that I ate popcorn on the entire trip home from my daughter's yesterday - a 4-hour drive!

    May I add the conversation I had with this guy was so open and entertaining - we laughed and we laughed what a great guy he sounded and with such an open mind - no narrowness there. 

    Congrats  Jenn, that makes you officially a redneck.


    LOL.. Honey you dont know the half of my redneck ways... LOL

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