    I have had 5 years of bad luck,how can i change this ?? can anyone help me

    it doesnt matter what i have tried to do ,its not worked, i am usually a bubbly happy person, but the past 5 years i have had very bad health many operations on my stomach, partner left me, all my friends left my life, moved to another area, and my neighbour is gossping about me, really nasty things too, i have tried so hard to have plain sailing .......but everything in my kitchen has broken, washing machine  3 kettles, 2 irons, 2 ovens, 2 showers in the bathroom,  and my dear cat died that i adored, granted he was 16, but this past 5 years has been hell, i had two gunmen come into my home and really hurt me, wasnt me they wanted but  wanted to know where my neighbour was, he was out, and they tortured me for 2 hours, my life has been awful, what can i do change this bad luck spate, i was told by a meduim that someone had wished me bad luck,  surely it cant happen that way?? by wishing someone bad luck and they have can i trun my bad luck into good luck ....i am in my middle years not a teenager, i am worried now, that it wont end .there is much more but there isnt room to write it all,.Gabbie

    +2  Views: 768 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    This is sad for you ,encouraging for me . If thinking bad thoughts for some one actually works I am delighted. I have been wishing for large flaming chunks of space debris for my ex. That is unlikely to work think of what might be happening to George Bush if only bad thoughts would work. Its time for some serious house cleaning ,get rid of the stuff that don't work  all of it . That includes bad thinking as well. News flash people who live in decent neighbourhoods generally don't have folks breaking in . I hope your luck changes and that life gets better . If you hear of any large flaming chunks of space junk crashing to earth its just my wish coming true ,dont worry .               Bill


    love your answer.

    Pray. A lot.

    Break a mirror can't do any harm

    Somebody beat me to it, break a few mirrors...

    It has been my observation over the years with my clientele, that the ones who constantly talk about the bad luck things constantly have it in their life. The mind is a powerful thing and what we talk about and think about, we draw to us. I was really struggling in my salon a few years ago, business was bad, thats all I talked about and worried about. Someone brought to my attention that I should read a book called "The Secret". I started to think different and soon things started to change for me. My salon began to pick up and many other things in my life began to change.My focus changed and I figured out how to be grateful rather than worried and obsessing.they say you are what you eat, I believe you are what you think as well. Bluesman gave you great advice as well. Good punn intended.


    That is an excellent answer and so very true. You are amazing.

    Thank you Ann, that was really nice of you to say...your amazing too:)

    Attitude effects everything. If you think "bad luck" you will get "bad luck". Flip the coin and start looking for all the good things in your life.. At least you have a computer to ask questions on.........

    In my experience a support group would help tremendously. If you do not have a church afialiation, look for groups in the community. They are usually listed in the newspaper. Even if it is an exercise group or a weight loss group or some other group that does not directly relate to your "bad luck." You do need to change your thinking, but it is hard to do on your own. Group interaction is so healing. Also, rent some feel good movies, or better yet go to a feel-good movie even if you go alone. Laughter is the best medicine. Take a walk in the park. Watch the children play. Adopt a puppy. Do something that makes you smile and build from there. Let us know how you are doing. Blessings.

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