    Where Has All The White Dog Poo Gone!

    bulletman it must have been hot when I saw it as well so that could be one of the reasons thanks and G"day to you I hope its a Bonza day heee xxxxx

    +1  Views: 660 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    I would like to know wether anybody remembers this and I would like your thoughts on this thanks

    G'day Mel, you ask strange , unusual questions sometimes, yes i remember being white, in the hot Australian sun it eventually bakes it and literally turns to powder.

    6 Answers

    I remember as a child I use to see white dog poo I know now that most people clean it up after there dog has done poos but why was it white? the only conclusion I think is that dogs are on different diets now or it doesnt get a chance to go white as its picked up quickly


    Hi Mel. I am so happy Harvey is doing well and is getting better.The power of love can move mountains. I am glad you had a chance to meet with Peoplelover. He is a very interesting individual. Keep update on Harvey. Love & Prayers, Ann

    Thanks Ann I have just left you a comment on your answer peoplelover what a interesting guy and he is soooo good for is age it was such a lovely day xxx

    I remember as a child I use to see white dog poo I know now that most people clean it up after there dog has done poos but why was it white? the only conclusion I think is that dogs are on different diets now or it doesnt get a chance to go white as its picked up quickly


    ignor this one site playing up again!!!!

    I dont remember white dog poo, but I remember it beeing light greyish. Dog food has come a long way from then.Now there is a much bigger choice to buy all natural dog food, or to make your own.


    thanks Ann it was probly greyish but my ion my childish looked white and as you say dog food has come a long way thanks Ann Harvey seems alot better but I dont want say for certain as I might be tempting fate xxx

    I would say "Gone with the "wind Maybe there drinking the poor cats milk full cream "Poo "wee cat(as in poor) Mel must be the diet.


    Hi Dowsa yes I think its the diet how are you anyway did you have a good holliday! xxx

    HI MEL Girl had a great holiday and Josie sends her love Weather great water warm we both a good tan I took my top off ALL the "girls laughed "Whats wrong I cried! Josie said its that single hair on your chest.We will cut it off when we get back at the flat,She laughed as well.

    OK, now I understand. I have not really pondered this question, but one guess I have would be the change in pet food formulation.People are more aware of what they feed their pets today and lesser quality foods have seen diminished sales because people do not want to feed their pets fillers,or other undesireable ingriedients.Also people are much less likely to give table food as this is not as nutritionally balanced as pet foods are.Hoe you are well !


    metal fae yes thats what i would have said I am not bad and Harvey the cat is getting there Peoplelover from Aussie had lunch yesterday at my house we all had a great day thank you for asking how I am hope you are keeping well! to xxx
    metal face

    I am well and glad to hear you and Harvey are also.Take care.

    metal face at the moment he is a ok but it is still early days thank you sooooo much asking about my little man xxx

    Hi Melanie. Are you serious? I am not sure I understand your question.


    metal face yes I remember as a kid I use to see white dog poo in parks ect and my Husband also remembers it as well! thanks anyway xxx

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