    You are a legislator. Create a new law!

    Yep, you are in charge.  What new law would you write, knowing that it WILL be signed and put into practice immediately.  Include the penalty for breaking your law, if you want.  (It doesn't have to be a traffic law; any law you think should be enacted)

    +5  Views: 845 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    All politicians should be given the sack if they don't do their jobs, just like any company. That includes lying, corruption and not carrying out their promises.

    I would like a law that states,no woman be made to carry a baby to full term in her pregnancy if the baby has died.How cruel to let the woman give birth knowing that her child has died.I am sure there is a medical explanation for this process,but i think it is horrendous.


    I think most anyone would agree with you. Sometimes it really is ashamed in how inadequate and sometimes downright cruel laws turn out to be.

    I didn't know that women were being made to carry a deceased baby to full term. I would think that the body would have rejected it......

    Where is this law applied?

    Most importantly Children will be careful at all times AND of course CLEAN THEIR TEETH .

    All boat people will be given one chance, and sent back, if they enter Australian Territorial waters again they will be blown out of the water, and all illegal detainees would be sent back immadiately, along with all muslims living in Australia.

    Children will not hide the television controls and adults will be allocated some television time at their request

    Children will get up out of bed when told

    Children will go to bed when told

    Most importantly Children will be careful at all times AND of course CLEAN THEIR TEETH .

    Most importantly Children will be careful at all times AND of course CLEAN THEIR TEETH .

    Most importantly Children will be careful at all times AND of course CLEAN THEIR TEETH .

    Children will carry on as they are for now

    Children will not get up in the morning untill told to do so on a weekend

    Children shall and will eat their crusts and shall not sulk when made to do so



    If you see someone carrying a load too large, you must help them carry it..........

    Every child has to know at least one instrument before he graduates from high school.

    Politicians must uphold all laws in the Constitution at all times giving States the right to enforce all Federal Laws that are in the Constitution. If this is not done so by the elected candidates, they will be fined, imprisoned, and responsible to pay back all of the donated money for campaigns.


    First offense for selling drugs or being in possession of a quantity which exceeds normal individual use. Will receive the death penalty. Drugs will cease to exist in five years. Executing the first 200 dope pushers is a very strong message to send to prospective dealers. 

    The biggest industry in this country is crime. The related professions and the equipment required to fight crime, everything from handcuffs to police cars. Dope is killing now  and has been killing one generation after the other.

    That the oil companies and banks are regulated as stringently on all fronts as are the medical professions. And NO money changes hands in the process or life without parole in federal prison on the first offense!!!  Yes, I know there are gaps and loopholes,  but we MUST  do something to even things out.  Money cannot be king in our society,  it is to all of our detriment!!

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