    what is a dual system Dr.heater is it better than any other brand

    0  Views: 446 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    I will not comment on if this heater is better than other brands but what they are selling is a great idea if you live in a low humid area. Have you ever walked into a house on a cold day and they have a pot of something boiling on the stove. You really can feel the warmth from that and it smells good too. I have included some reviews for you as well.

    A Dr Heater Elite Series combines an infrared heater, a humidifier, an air purifier, and an oscillation fan. Each function can be operated independently. The ultrasonic humidifier produces a cool mist, adding much needed humidity to the dry winter air. The Elite Series can also be used as a fan with or without a humidifier during summer time. 1-12 hrs timer, Easily rolls from room to room on durable casters, Lifetime filter. Overheat protection. Tip-over protection. No exposed heating elements that can cause a fire, Cannot harm children or pets, Dimensions 16" H x 13" W x 15" D, Uses 12.6 Amps of power, Watts 1500 110v 3-prong outlet, Warranty 3-Year USA Warranty


    I have an Iheater and the Dr. Heater and I like the Dr. Heater better. They are both good units but the Dr. Heater is smaller and easier to carry around from place to place if needed and the wheels underneath are spaced closer together thus easier to place on top of other units such as a speaker unit that is not in use or a large air purifier that I have thus not taking up any floor space if needed. It also blows heat out harder than the Iheater but in the end, I think they both kick out about the same amount of heat energy.

    The Dr. Heater is made of real wood also, where the Iheater and allot of others on the market have plastic shells.

    I am going into my third season using the Dr. Heater brand heater and I am very impressed with its performance in both heating and efficiency. In 2010 it got me through the worst winter months in a fairly small and VERY drafty cabin where I was staying and it was used as the sole heat source. Later that year when I moved on to better digs, this unit helped keep both a 700sq ft and a 300 sq ft room at the perfect temperature when used with just a little help from a central heating unit. In addition to concerns about my electric bill for the central heat, I could barely hear my t.v., phone, etc over the blowers from the large HVAC unit going off at random. I also did not like hot air literally blowing on me all the time. Dr. Heater was the perfect solution for my warmth AND comfort.

    At the same time I purchased this unit I also bought a consumer reporting recommended ceramic heater unit by Holmes. The Dr. Heater unit beat the much less expensive recommended unit in many ways by many, many miles! For nighttime use the Dr. Heater unit doesn't produce that loud fan noise or awful sun glow that the ceramic heater produced, the light and noise of which would frequently wake me up. Dr. Heater is remarkably quiet and doesn't dry the air out like the ceramic heater did either, which I have tested with an indoor humidity sensor. My electric bill in 2010 was definitely less than with using at first baseboard heating and then central heat.

    other Dr. Heater pluses for me:

    The whole room is warmed very quickly and very evenly, not just the several feet directly in front of the unit. Lightweight and easy to move from room to room as needed.

    I have a small dog and a young cat in the home and I never worry that they will hurt themselves walking around the Dr. Heater.

    A friend of mine uses the EdenPure brand heater and the Dr. Heater unit works just as well heating the same square footage at half the price and almost half the size; speaking of size, bonus points for the compact design and attractive wood housing.

    The remote control is especially handy if I want to change the settings without getting up.

    Overall, I'm very pleased with this purchase and would definitely buy this heater again.

    Note - Although this was my direct link from my order history to post a review of my purchase, my unit does not have the humidifier on it as this link's description/photo states.

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