    wat is Karma

    0  Views: 1127 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: karma

    2 Answers

    I have heard people say they don't believe in Karma, this simply because they don't know what the word means, in many cases simply because it is not an english word.   Actual Karma beyond games, is simply the Law of Cause and effect.  In other words whatever one may say or do for good or evil, will return to one in kind, although for Evil ten fold.  Karma is Natural Law, no man wrote it, it is built into nature itself, every man lives it whether they believe it or not.

     "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  ". . Measure for measure . .  "  ect. are Karmic laws, of which there are many such Spiritual riddles.

    For every thought, word or action has an impact somewhere somehow, either on the ones self directly by health, situation or circumstances, or on others, again for good or evil.  If evil then Ten Fold is the return, for Nature can be a hard teacher.  Joy or happiness is good evidence of doing it right.

    Yet because men are in this world, the material world, even Good men suffer karma, but they do not suffer the viciousness of it.   The Karma of the group consciousness of man-kind as a whole, by poor choices is being demonstrated all over the world, volcanos, earthquakes, tornados, title waves etc. etc., just weather in genral all over the world.  For the power of human consciousness is the Spiiritual Will given of God, and it is most powerful in group whether used in ignorance/ knowledge or with Understanding, ten fold is the return, for good or evil.

    The planet itself, in a sense is groaning her displeasure of her children.  After all she produces all living things.  She gave birth to the bodies of men, perfecting them above all other animals,  as a gift to God, that the Father might come to Her and manifest His children in them and that He find an abode with Her directly in a material world, for She loves Him.

    She has tried many times to manifest the perfect form as the Great Ages and Epochs have attested and has had to start all over again.  She has always survived her sicknesses and testings (presently man).  Let us hope she isn't ready to start all over again.  All these things are guided by Karmic Law. 

    Of course as always, take for what it is worth . . . ;-)



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