    i'm going to ask a question that may open a can of worms," the other day my one year old was cought turning on the gas oven my partners friend slapped him on his hand and then forced him to sit in thhe corner, i went off my head but my partner could not see the issue. i do not slap or use any force with my children. would you allow someone to punish your child or am i being childish abiut it

    +2  Views: 936 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: children

    7 Answers

    Time has changed much in this world-- When i was a kid i got 'popped' by anyone that was in charge of me.  You can't have your one year old turning gas on everywhere he goes, on the other hand, slapping  a one year old it a bit brutal as well as standing in the corner.. i don't think one year old quite has a grip on discipline at that age.. probably in this case, just a stern 'no!' and a finger shake..  If he/she was in the terrible twos or older then i wouldn't see a problem with it.  I really wish people would get over this 'child brutality' syndrome and understand what it really is.. Child brutality is not slapping your child when they do something dangerously wrong...  We need to pop the little devils once it awhile to keep em going in a straight line or else we have exc exactly what we have  with young people today, no respect and got all the answers to everything and in some cases, violent.. remember, there's a difference in slapping as discipline and outright child abuse, please don't mix them up..


    he is the youngest of 5 and i have never slapped any of them. i don't think it was the slap so much but more that another person had slapped my child. Boo is very smart so all people really need to do is talk to him and help him to understand. my mother was heavy on the slapping and for that reason i wont. but you are right there is a big diff betweem a slap and child abuse. thank you

    Babyloving...your one year old will "be upset" many times before he is an adult.  Too bad.  It is your job to train the child and a one year old does not understand "a talking session".  Touching a gas stove is a major safety issue, and needs a quick reaction from a responsible adult. I think you should say "Thank you for protecting my child."  These days it seems, we are quick to equate a slap on the hand with child abuse and the pendulum has swung way too far in that  direction. I appreciate seeing a parent actually discipline their child instead of acting as though they are afraid of their 3 year old!!!  I say lighten up...your friend was NOT being mean.

    A slap on the hand is a fine way to let him know he done something wrong. You don't need to cause pain just get his attention.

    You new age people, who try other ways are going to have a bunch of undisciplined kids running around.

    Proverbs 13:24
    Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.

    If a one year old was messing with the handles of a gas oven, the answer to that is easy. DO NOT LET THE BABY GO INTO THE KITCHEN. A one year old won't understand a slap on the hands and they sure won't understand what a time out in the corner could possibly mean. 

     Your partners friend slapped your child?! Don't go back to that house. Ever.

    You have such right to be angry. I think I'd get a new partner. 


    thats what i tryed to explain to them, i just don't know why they failed to just pull him away and tell him it's danger and do not touch. i wont be going back there, and as for my partner he is a wonderful dad and he did addmit that it was wrong after.

    Wow, I am impresses with your partners friend for taking action. That is a dangerous situation. I expect my children to be treated like they are part of everyones family. I know the parents and grand parents of everyone the spend time with... I dont think there was any malous in popping your childs have. I would have done the same thing.



    No probably not . At one lessons are repeated many times . Nothing was learned here so all was most likely for nothing . Boundaries for guests are just that and should not be crossed . All discipline comes from the parents and never from others at that age . You have to admit  messing with the gas is pretty serious could have blown up the house even killed some one . I think a line was crossed and some words are in order regarding boundaries. Others will have a variety of opinions about this and most will be correct.  I would never consider doing this ,but I might provide a road block to steer the child in another direction . Discipline of any kind is not my responsibility or concern . If the house is going to blow up rest assured I will be heading for the street .


    he was very up set and no he did not understand because no one sat him down and told him what he was doing was very dangerous, he just thought that they were being naughty to him. so i had to have a talk and calm him down.

    Ill bet you are young . Nothing wrong with that . Long conversations with a one year old are a waste. You are protective and that's understandable .Time for conversations are years away . For now all you can do is be mindful and learn to herd that toddler as he explores his world . Good luck to you and may you both have many happy days together

    I don't feel it is acceptable to slap someones child,let alone a 1 year old,and as for putting him in a corner,what gives this person the authority to dish out punishment to your child.If it is a case of "my house, my rules" i would not bother going back there.

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