    If you could time travel, what time in history would you go back to visit?

    +9  Views: 1187 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    I'm good.  I like it right here.


    Me too.

    FIsh-O - what could be better than this - existensialism - enjoy!

    about 15 years ago, when my father was still alive

    when my mom was alive,50`s,60`s.the same time when i was a kid.


    fjoel - well yes - not much could be better than that for your soul.

    I would be happy to go back to the early 1930s 40s and 50s.just to see how hard things were done,people from that era did not have all the mod cons like we have today.


    pythonlover - how right you are - people nowadays do not realise and take so much for granted and do not get me started on that tech - no - logy stuff.

    The 17 hundreds and be a French nobleman. I like the clothes and especially the broads. Watching to many Tyrone Powers movies lately. Everybody was boinking everybody. Love it.


    ed shank - you are so naughty - but people think this only happens nowadays - don't they?

    maybe the birth of christ, to be an eye witness of the savior..


    daren 1 - Such a big ask - who knows one day you may be privy to this.

    Thumbs up great question. I don't think I could pin point just one time though. I would like to meet Jesus in person while He was walking around performing all those miracles. I would also like to go back to when I was in high school and warn myself about all the stupid mistakes I was going to make.

    I think I would like to live in the late 1800's and be a real rancher/cowboy, that would be such a cool era to live in.



    I would go back to the 18th century and onwards when music was music.


    west-bus - how right you are - where are you these days I wish you all the very best. You are so missed.

    The sixties, seventies, eighties but there were so many happy times in history - not keen at all on now - shame to say.  

    I would love to go back and see the assassination of Abe Lincoln.


    Just curious, why??

    See it?

    Curious? Yes. History talks too much about it that actually I would love to see how everything came to be

    I have a feeling you do not mean "see" perhaps be there at the time - but all a bit morbid.

    about 9000 BCE in Atlantis.


    What a great question and what enteresting answers and resons why. Although, I'd have to agree with winfia here and say 9000 BCE in Atlantis! Dream on everyone!

    Me too fish girl. Seeing history on TV is great to me. But I would like to see 50 or 100 years from now.


    This often enters my mind - it does as one gets older - I fear to imagine.

    For me, definitely the medeivel  period.  I know life was very difficult but it was life at it's core, there was hardship and disease and shortened lives.. There was heroism and chivalry; and loyalties and honor were taken very seriously and fought for, as well as was the grand, true love of a man or a woman. It just enchants me in certain ways. And intrigues.


    sounds good but somewhat unrealistic.

    I would go back to the sixties and tavel a different path, hopefully change my destiny.


    bulletman - it is so easy to change your destiny in restropective - there are parts of all of us who would perhaps like to do this, sadly.

    It would be interesting to visit the late 1800-early 1900.  I'd want to be in an exciting city, perhaps Paris, being an artist or courtesan.  Something sultry and bohemian.


    Have read several books of such. Interesting and enlightening. Not easy, but you ARE your own person.

    Any titles to share? Much appreciated!

    Bob, just read your comment about book titles. I have a fantastic book called "Courtesans" by Katie Hickman. It's been several years since I read it but I dug it out of one of my bookcases for you. It is historical, factual, titillating, fascinating and i like the perspective from which she wrote. For the most part it is very empowering, for those she wrote about and for us, the women readers. It is set in Europe, mostly England and France in the 1800's. It details the lives of many real life courtesans, many of kings, and what their lives were like, and about their appearances and personalities. How they got there and how they handled their situations in a very socially difficult and strict time. I would be very happy to send it to you by mail if you would like, just being sure that you would mail it back to me. I loved it, was hard for me to put down. Will read it again in the future and I don't reread books often. I have a few other historically accurate books set in middle-to late ages that I very much enjoyed, as well. One is "Heloise and Abelard" an historically true retelling of an incredible real life love story that was so beautifully written it burned an impression in me. It is by James Burge. Again, am willing to lend them to you if you think you would enjoy them. At your request here I will give you my email address and we can communicate further. Hope you are well. ;-] michmar

    michmar118: that is such a nice gesture! The Hickman book sounds fascinating, and a good love story never fails to get my attention!! I would love to read it and promise to take excellent care and return it to you, of course! Let me know how to get hold of you and we can exchange addresses. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

    Julie - how about "Down and out in Paris" and yes it really is a book - I have yet to get it myself.

    Back to early 1865 to stop the assasination of Abe Lincoln and back to 1963 Nov.21 to stop the assasination of JFK  I often wonder what our country and world would of been like now if they had  lived out there lives.

    i would like to go back  to the year 0,and see jesus.

    The day i die


    What time in history would you go back to visit is the question. What previous lives do you recall that you would want to revisit?

    walking up the hill with my mom and dad the next day my dad died :(

    good funny response bob/pkb.

    You must try to never die alone.

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