    what is the most dangerous animal(s) on earth?

    +7  Views: 2748 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: animals

    I have to agree with Tommyh - Human beings by far as they are too many cruel, inhumane, uncaring vicious and with hidden agendas at least the animal kingdom are just what they are and have no hidden agendas.

    24 Answers

    Human beings. By far & away the most dangerous creature on the planet.

    Iran's rat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

    1. Mosquito - Mosquitos carry the parasites that cause malaria which is responsible for the deaths of two million people every year.

    2. Asian Cobra - Responsible for the majority of the 50,000 deaths by snakebite per year in India although it is not the most venomous.

    3. Australian box jellyfish - The most venomous marine creature known to man, each tentacle has enough toxin to kill 60 people. Since 1884 at least 5,567 deaths have been attributed to these creatures

    4. Great white shark - Since 1876 this shark has been responsible for 65 deaths worldwide and will develop a taste for human flesh once it has fed on a person. Each year 30-100 people die of shark attacks.

    5. African lion - The only cats to live in a group, African lions work together to prey upon other animals and kill around 70 humans per year in Tanzania. In total, lions are responsible for over 250 deaths each year.

    6. Australian saltwater crocodile - The largest living reptile on the planet mature males can reach 23ft in length and are opportunistic hunters using 'death-roll' to drown and suffocate their prey. Every year, over 2,000 deaths are caused by crocodiles.

    7. The elephant - Elephants weight around 16 tonnes and are responsible for around 600 deaths every year through stamping and goring.

    8. Polar bear - The largest meat eater living on land, polar bears are extremely protective of their cubs and attack viciously when there is a perceived threat. A polar bear can cut off a human head with a swipe of its paw.

    9. Cape buffalo - The African Cape Buffalo will actively stalk and attack the hunter who wounded it. Each year it kills more humans in Africa than any other creature.

    10. Posion dart frog - Native to the rainforests of South America their venom is enough to kill ten men and exudes from their skin. Natives run darts against their skin to use in hunting


    I'm not sure how they think a mosquito is an animal though.

    Insect. That's how I see them. Not animals. I really don't need to get that particular.



    Glad i am a boy

    thanks dowsa xxx

    THE HIPPO - is responsible for more deaths in Africa than any other animal or reptile.

    I think I agree with TommyH, human beings are by far the most dangerous creatures on Earth. The number of human deaths caused by human beings around the world is astronomical in number, and human beings are the only species that seek to create large numbers of victims per attack. However disheartening this bit of information might seem at the moment, it is without a doubt factually true.  

    I would like to thank everyone especially Answer 123 and Colleen ... now I will never leave the house again ... Mosiquitos ... Now I am going to be phobic.


    Not leaving....Whew ! Society is safe again.

    Big woo.

    Last week the question "What is the most intelligent animal on earth?" was asked.  Please refer to my answer, which was "woman".  For the same reasons she is most intelligent, she is also most deadly (and what Benthere said.....don't be wanting to scorn us, Amigo).

    A woman. Empires has been made and destroyed for that little thing that makes them unique.



    Man is the most dangerous (next of course is woman!....tee don't get testy ladies....I'm a woman myself!).(:


    You had me "You talk like a man "Tough "Mean "Oh I would like to be a real man and talk back to the "Wife Ha ha. In my dreams.

    that would be my wife  at a 50% off clothing sale.

    My housemate (James) when he is angered....

    Man - One imparticularly being my ex boyfriend who almost killed me with his fists

    MAN(without a doubt)

    Human beings are by far the most dangerous animals on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No other animal even comes close!

    OBAMA and his bunch



    mankind the only animal that intentionally hates. If man is not included then 

    The scorpion

    Highly deadly and twice as ugly, the scorpion is a nasty critter that is probably responsible for more deaths per year than recorded, due to the isolated places they hang out and probable lack of access to antivenin. However, out of an estimated 1,500 species of scorpion worldwide, only around 25 are regarded dangerous.
    Responsible for: An estimated 800-2,000 fatalities a year.
    Hangs out in: Worldwide; particularly Africa, the Americas and Central Asia.
    Method of dispatch: Scorpions paralyse their prey by pumping deadly venom through the obvious curved stinger at the end of their tails. As with all venom, humans are particularly susceptible if they are allergic – though the African spitting scorpion, who scuttles around Africa, is the most venomous, as it is able to spray venom up to a metre. Yuk.
    Useful avoidance techniques: Scorpions become active at night and lie low during the day, so be sure to shake out any bedding, clothing or anything close to the ground before use. Be vigilant at night and wear thick socks.

    Man and his weapons of mass destruction!

    MANKIND no other animal would do what we do to each other and Poor animals


    mankind the only animal that intentionally hates

    My Aunt Lucy when she gets too much to drink

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