    Have A Great Weekend Everyone

    +7  Views: 901 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    just thought I would like to thank everyone who has sent there peryers and there candels and thier light for Havey he is back home with us we have decided that ih he gets blocked again by the end of the next week we will have to say good bye to my little man thabk you again and from Harvey paws for ever xxx


    I'm glad he's home. You have a good weekend too.

    Hope Harvey has a peaceful weekend, which means you will, too. My Dieszal just got some shots; he is usually so active and full of joy, but is really dragging and sick since. It's scary when your pet can't tell you what's going on.

    Yvonne you have a good weekend too xxx

    Bob I do hope Dieszal is ok when they have jabs it unnerves them they get so spooked its unreal Harvey is home and we are just watching every wee he passes the vet took hi cathater out and he has passed a few wees since but its a waiting game thank you for enquirying on him and I do hope Dieszal gets better he in my preyers xxx

    Hi Mel, Hoping little Harvey keeps well now. have a nice weekend you deserve it. xx


    Hi sunny thank you soooo much we will try! we take Harvey back to the vet am so we should know more thank you again for your thoughts will keep every one posted xxxx

    thanks mel back at ya ten fold, my best to you as well as harvey....


    Thanks Daren same to you have a good one xx

    Mel, thank you for the  update. I do hope Harvey wll make it. It is all in Gods hands. I will keep up my prayers for him and for  you and your hubby. You have done everything possible for Harvey and he knows how much you love him and care about him. Have a good weekend. Love and prayers, Ann


    Thank you so much Ann we will be taking him to the vet am and and we just prey this will be the end of this as this poor little man ahs been through enough if it clogs up again we will have to say good bye to my little man its no fair on him he has been very tired today which is very unusal for him! well just have to wait now and its Gods hands thank sooo much for your caring words I don know what I would have done with out you and the gang and not forgetting Colleen she has said some lovely things for Harvey god bless you all xxxx

    Ann I have left a comment on Colleens question if you read it, it will tell you so far what is going on he is alot more comfortable than he has been in the last two weeks so I think that is quite a good sign! thank you again Ann xxxxx

    Little Harvey has to be home with all of us rooting for him. Enjoy him this weekend and do something nice for yourself............Thanks for the update....


    thank you jhharlan he is sleeping now which good he needs his rest to mend I hope xxx

    All the best Mel.  Give Harvey a little squeeze from me.  Let's hope he can be healthy from this day forward...


    Fish girl I have gave him a squeeze and said this was from fish girl and he looked up at me weird a thank you for your thoughts xxx

    Give Harvey some sugar from the Georgia girl. And enjoy every minute with him.. You are in my thoughts and prayers... Always in my heart.


    jenn I will give him some sugar from you thats for sure and thank you for your kind words on Harvey and preyers god bless you as well xxxx

    It's weird but again I was just thinking about you and Harvey, I do hope he gets better. All the best.


    mom thank you for thinking of Harvey and my selve yes we all hope he gets better we will know more in the next couple of days thank you again mom xxxx

    Great big hope that he has no more blockage problems! I hope you get some rest Mel. My sincerest wishes that you and your hubby have a great weekend with a much healthier Harvey! 


    Hi Colleen Thank you we took him the vet this morning and he took out the drain thing (i cant spell the damn thing)and he has been a couple of times the vet has given me his cell no so if we need to ring him he will come to the house or we will meet him @ the vets, which is a great deal of our minds we are still having to give him 5ml of water every 1/2 hour trying to keep the flushing going he is so much better in his selve he is not as grumpy but as the vet has said this good go on as long as a month and he did say that he has never had to put a cat down because of it we have just got to stay strong so we are now planning our week ahead as Im getting busy and a week Monday I have a very big job that I start for two weeks so as I said we will plan that one of us is with him at all times thank you colleen for your kind words xxxx

    Thanks, Mel.  You have a good one too!


    thank you Chiangmai xxx have a wonderful weekend also


    thank you wanderer xxxx

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