    why does the world hate God?

    +2  Views: 767 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hi djkid! Thank you for appreciating my answer. Your question was a good one. I'm glad you found Q&A; you will be an asset with your insights and youth. Bob/PKB

    6 Answers

    I don't think the world hates God, djkid.  Do you really mean GOD, or do you mean Jesus Christ, or perhaps the people who believe in Jesus (aka Christians)?  There is alot of animosity for JC and Christians.

    So many times you will be bombarded with that age-old "If your God is so good and powerful, why does he let bad things happen to good people?"  The answer that makes sense to me is that God is not pulling our strings like marionettes; His plan for each of us is a good one, one that benefits and blesses us.  We are free to make our own decisions about what we say and what we do.  God doesn't pull us back by a leash as we would an over-zealous dog we are walking.  Much of the time, He lets things happen through their natural consequence. Lots of people aren't willing to accept that their fate is in their own hands.

    If we can turn our disappointment away from our own ignorant and destructive choices and blame a perfect God, that's what people will do.  We start to believe we are actually doomed by God and get P.O'd and resentful; we blame God for everything that isn't going how we want it to go.  "God has it in for me" becomes our excuse for everything.

    Like Dowsa said, human nature has to have someone ot hate. We have to blame someone other than ourselves for our less-than-ideal existences.  God is supposed to make everything great for us, so why not blame and "hate" Him for letting us down.  It's easier than taking a good look in the mirror and understanding your problems start with YOU!  Mine start with me.  Theirs start with them.  His with him, and hers with her. 



    I meant God the creator of the world. Thank you for answering my question. I'm glad to have you on this website.

    "There is alot of animosity for JC and Christians."

    Why do you suppose that is? I could tell you but you'll never see it. I will say this much, if the most of them would get off their pulpits and high horses, there would be a lot less groaning from the non Christians.
    I don't think anyone has anything against Jesus Christ. He did not create the religion. It's the followers who are so sure that only they are going to heaven that people have issues with. You know, the holier than thous who look down their pious noses at everyone. They make the whole religion look bad, snobs that they are. They even have to audacity to claim they love everyone because Jesus told them to and then they judge and let you know if you can go to heaven or not. *snort*. Trust me, the animosity towards those followers is earned.

    I was clarifying the question. The question was about God the Creator, not about Jesus or Christians.
    djkid: Christians are not perfect. If you run across any who think they are, keep running.
    Colleen,my definition of Christian has been in several of my responses. I consider myself a Christian by that definition. I'll tell you right up front, I absolutely do not love everyone. I'm not the judge of anybody or anything, but I have opinions. I don't condemn or chastise anyone for their belief or lack thereof. I am no better than anybody else and find myself quite deficient if I stoop to making comparisons. (Yes, s-t-o-o-p)
    I don't know who you refer to when you discuss the "Christians" you have referenced in your comment, but I certainly hope I am not one of them. If you think I am, you will never hear from me at akaQA again.

    I don't think the world hates God at all.  It may appear that way at times.  Hang out with different people, the kind that nurture your beliefs.

    The world may appear to hate God but, you are being exposed to the wrong people. Broaden your horizons and view the world as a whole. You'll see many more people loving God than you think...

    Human nature one must hate somebody the Question "Why?things go good thumbs up go bad thumbs i injoy life to much to hate

    If you know God you only hate sin.

    I wouldn't go as far as 'the world hates god' That's a bit extreme.  There are people that fear god and will reject his existence, and there are people that refuse to believe what they can not see or touch.

    There are people that claim to hate god because they do not believe in god, these people are hypocrites because you can not hate what is not real.  and then there are some people that do not accept god but are afraid to reject god 'just in case he might be real' (agnostics)

    To hate god is to say you believe in god and I don't think there are many people that can honestly hate god if they truly believe.  So-- Your question is not really valid. 

    I believe the first explanation is the closest to rejection of God.  They FEAR God!

    That said-- There is definitely hatred of Christianity, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindi, Lutherans, Mormons..  etc. People do hate ideology.  Not god.


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