    what\s a measure of true friendship?

    +5  Views: 905 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Here in Australia we have a thing called mateship.

    You stick with your mates,you back them up,

    You help & support them whatever it takes.

    You never leave a true mate out on a limb.

    A true friend is someone who is with you through the bad times not just the good times and gone when the bad times hit.  I have always liked the saying that a true friend knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

    The measure of true frienship is holding your friends hair back for her while she's on the ground puking  her guts out after drinking to many coctails. 

    The measure of true friendship is time.  My best friend and I met in kindergrten, 55 years ago.  She has always been my friend, even when we lived in different states or didn't see each other for years.  She is the best friend I have.....this was confirmed to me when she called me in the middle of the night when her mom died.  Of all the friends she has, she trusted me.

    "Lots of friends want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take a bus with you when the limo breaks down."                       ~ Oprah Winfrey



    Good answer.

    The measure of true friendship is like darci13  and Tommyh said.You always find out who your true friends are in your very worst times in life. They are the ones that will hold you up, protect you and make sure you are taken care of. They are the ones that will make sure your safe before they leave and back you up when others are on the attack and listen no matter how many times you repeat yourself. It's said your lucky to have one true friend in a lifetime. 


    And one that is very very hard to find now days too.

    I still haven't figured that one out. I always expected my friends to be as accommodating to me as I am to them, not one of them is. They are good friends I guess, but I am a better friend to them than they are to me.


    call them fairweather friends.
    ed shank

    It's cloudy here I guess.

    The measure of true friendship is like darci13  and Tommyh said.You always find out who your true friends are in your very worst times in life. They are the ones that will hold you up, protect you and make sure you are taken care of. They are the ones that will make sure your safe before they leave and back you up when others are on the attack and listen no matter how many times you repeat yourself. It's said your lucky to have one true friend in a lifetime. 

    country bumpkin

    My best friend that died in 2004 fits the description above exactly. She was a true friend till the end. I was blessed to know her and there will never be another like her. Thanks for what you said.

    Measure of true friendship? That would be: Susan, Pam, David, Mark, Lynn, Ruth, another David......


    3+3 = very well balanced crowd.

    two Davids plus mark = 3, I listed 4 women...

    Oops. I can't add. :(

    Sometimes life is funny and full of surprises. Over the years, I've found that on several occasions, when I realized who was a real friend during some really bad times.


    Too true this is when you realize who are your true friends - "a friend in need is a friend indeed" Sadly these friends become fewer as you get older - sad because this is when they are most needed.

    a true friend is some that reaches out to touch your hand but instead touches your heart.

    A true friend can look into your soul, feel your pain, and know when to speak OR  just hold you and give you silent heart-felt assurance that  you will always be in their heart; As they are defending and protecting you as a momma lion protects her young. 

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