    Can someone pl tell me, what to write on card, for female friend, that has three months to live, with cancer.

    +5  Views: 1030 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Say something like you are grateful for the time you had to share your friendship.

    If you love her,tell her now. Don't leave it til later.

    It's a sad task. Good luck!


    Thank you Tommyh, for your answer, I love her as my friend and neighbour, will miss her.I even miss her now, as I dont see her.

    Love is boundless. No matter where we are in God's creation, the bond of love connects us. Nothing can break that bond. Not time, not space, not even a separate existence. I am with you always in the love that I have for you. In my love I send you energy to face what you need to face, to be strong and know God will not fail you for His love is even greater than mine. I will stand strong beside you and give you what I can to help see you through while my heart sings for you these words, "May the blessings be". 

    Use any part of this or none of it. You are free to personalize it with your own words if you wish. Hugs to you and strength to your friend. 


    Very nice Colleen.

    Thanks Tommy. It's just what came to mind.

    Thanks Colleen, I do appreciate, your answer. This has happeened so suddently, my fried Maura, was told two weeks ago, after scan result. She had no idea,she had cancer.Im still in shock.

    The same thing happened to my very best friend a few years ago. She was diagnosed with melanoma and within 4 months she was gone. She had no idea she was so sick when she got diagnosed :(

    You could change love to friendship. I just wasn't sure if you were closer to her than just a friend or how close a friend she is.

    Colleen, o orry to learn, you have lot friend a couple of year ago, Blame bad pelling on, letter not appearing.
    country bumpkin

    Colleen: Is your last name Hallmark? (*~*)

    Not even close ;)

    Write what ever you are feeling toward her and about her NOW. Don't write in past tense. Tell her what she is....

    make all that you write on that card come straight from your heart. best of luck

    Dollybird - don't be afraid of describing your own feelings. You are allowed to say things like 'I find this so difficult to talk about' or 'I'm not very good at talking about....' or even I don't know what to say' - she will understand and know how it hurts. Ask her if she wants to talk and be there to listen. If she crys you are allowed to cry, this may also help her. To acknowledge these feelings between you can improve communication between you, and help you understand what your friend is feeling it also gives her permission to describe her own feelings and get spiritual help for her if she needs it. Support yourself and get help if you need it.

    Thats a tough one, I feel for you and everyone that has to and has faced this issue. I remember once asking "so ya doin?" and realizing as my lips were moving what a complete ass I had just made of myself. I guess the answer to this has to come directly from the core of your heart. Telling her what kind of a person she is to you and how she has touched your life. Thanking her for being who she is and how much she means to you.I told my grandmother to let God know I play the 6/49 lottery  and we shared a nice chuckle. The funny thing is that a few months after she had passed I opened a fortune cookie that said any fortune to come in my life would be earned. Kinda got the point and had another good chuckle over that...she remembered;) I wish you well and my heart goes out to you.


    Thank you for your reply mom,I was told today, that my friend Maura, didnot realize how bad she is till today, and she lost it, (shock)I would be the same, she does not wish to see anyone, so I will send her a prayer card. Its law here, that when a person asks just how ill they are, the nurse or Doctor has to be honest with the person, I dont agree with this, cant be good. Can make a persons life even shorter.I have another male friend, who is going for cancer op today, in UK and if that is not bad enough, my hubsand, went for tests yesterday to the hospital, and has been kept in. Life sucks, Prayers Please.

    Whatever you want to say to her - say it now - use this opportunity. An extremely dear friend of mine passed away yesterday - so unexpected - I am totally devastated and every time I go over our talking together it brings tears, I keep hearing her voice and seeing her face and at moments in disbelieve - you have the chance to say just what you feel and asTommy says do it all while you can. I sympathise.  


    My condolences for your loss.

    dopey, Im so sorry, to learn, that you lost a friend so suddently.I also go over many things in my mind, hearing her voice, she always made me laugh with her great sence of homour, up to day, before she got test results.I doubt if I will see her again, as I dont have what it takes to visit her, emotionally. I will get Thinking Of You card, later today. Thank you for your answer.

    Thankyou Dollybird - we always laughed so much together too - just can't get her out of my head - she lives a long way from me but we have known each other for years and her Sister rang me last night at 11pm to say that she was on her sofa as though she were asleep at 5pm.

    Thankyou Colleen.
    country bumpkin

    I'm so very sorry to hear about yor friend. I lost my very best friend suddenly about 6 years ago so I understand your pain and many others on here do as well. I pray that the day will come soon when the memories of her smile, laughter, and humor will bring a smile to your face and comfort you.

    Thak you so very much Country Bumpkin ao very kind of you nnd so much appreciatd.

    "Just a little note to let you know you are always in my thoughts, always in my prayers, and always in my heart. "     


    Very nice ord Thank you. Letter not appearing.

    I can't add to any of these great answers,i feel sorry for your pain,God Bless.

    I cant say it any better than anyone on here. I am so sorry about your friend. I will keep you and yor friend in my prayers. God bless, Ann


    Thank you, Ann for your thought.

              MY SPECIAL FRIEND

    Of all my friends,  I love you best.

       We have spent many beautiful

      moments together, sharing our

     most intimate thoughts and feelings.

       We have a special bond,

    which I hold close to my heart.....

    To know that I can come to you and not 

       be judged, but to be comforted

    and uplifted when I' am feeling down,

       has meant so much to me.....

       You give so much of yourself,

       never asking for anything

     in return. Thank you for being,

       My Special Friend.....



    Thank you country bumpk, thoes words are so sweet. and thought full. x

    Thank you country bumpk, thoes words are so sweet. and thought full. x

    Thank you country bumpk, thoes words are so sweet. and thought full. x

    That was beautiful, C B

    morning dont come can't you see my lover is sleeping


    cuda50,thank for your aner, but dont undertand it fully. letter not printing.

    Write something like  ,  ' ' I'll be right here with you every step of the way. And we'll get thru this together ''  and tell her you'll pray for her and do it., if  you're a praying person.

    Holy ...the Big Guy upstairs must know something about you that your not quite aware of. We never get more than we can handle, I'm sure at times  you must think He must have you confused for someone else. Life does suck sometimes and at other times it's so wonderful to be alive. Every Time I think things are awful I hear someone else's story and realize how lucky I am no matter what. My prayers are with you, your friends and your husband. I agree that sometimes the reality of a persons illness seems unfair to share but it's all part of the process. She probably will withdraw and be very angry, maybe denial and then her fight will kick in. The truth isn't always a means to an end for people but a boot of reality that makes you want to be even more alive than you have ever been. Give her a few days to let this sink in, she will come around and want her friends close as she accepts her new reality. At some point in all of our lives we will have to accept our new realities. It's all part of the cycle of life. I send you much love and light. A HUGE hug.


    Thank you mom, This is first time ever, that I have had close friends, and husband, ill all at some time.I dont know what to think at times. I doubt that Mauras fight will kick back, been told she has just three months left. All I can do is pray for them.

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