    Are the wall street protesters communists?

    Do you think we should fear their goals?

    +2  Views: 669 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Of course not.Just because they are protesting against Millionaires wanting to get richer at the expense of the poor and Middle Class doesn't mean they're Communists. You need to educate yourself.

    5 Answers

    There is a lot of inequality in the world. The protesters are simply pointing it out .Some people seem to have a license to steal . If you are a rich peckerwood sitting in your castle yes I would say be nervous the have nots are coming for you . Enough is enough its time for these rich people to feel a bit of this current pain .



    Some people criticize demonstrators without trying to find out why they are demonstrating.

    alego, i do believe what you say. thank you for saying it.

    No. They are protesting, because of our financial meltdown in 2008, that big financial institutions, big banks and wallstreet are responsible forand also jobs that are lost because big Companies are destroying this country by helping themselves and not the people and pushing jobs out of America.

    Well, I don't think that I can add much to these comments.


    well, we're here. we count!

    We all know about Wall Street and Government. Most that are there are just screaming BS, but some actually know why. The super rich are actually controlling our government. Loopholes keep them from paying taxes. They pay lobbyist to sway government, therefore controlling it. It is time to change things. What the Tea Party is saying is the Little people are taxed enough. But at the same time .. they're worried about big business leaving the country. Let them leave. Sometimes we have to fall to be able to pick ourselves up. Of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is what America needs.

    Have you heard one of them make any sense? Their screaming f**k the rich, but it's the rich who make capital investments so that mommy and daddy have a job and can buy you that BMW you drive your ass around town in. When Al Sharpton makes an appearance on their behalf all credibility is lost. I have no compassion for them. If I, a sixty year old dude can figure out how to make money, what excuse can you possible use for me to pity you.


    You figured out how to make money because you are 60 . I am as well and am in agreement with you . My beef is with those a couple of notches beyond rich. Where its no longer about making money but about raping the system . The level at which the rules no longer apply and stealing is the order of the day .Al Sharpton and the other poverty pimps just attach themselves to any floating cause with some TV time .I wont dismiss them for just that . For people to evolve life must really suck from time to time so they get sick of it and find away to improve their lot. Tired of riding the bus ,save some money buy a car . Tired of no job ,learn something ,or start your own business,what ever it is ,even washing windows .This is the new reality ,what we have now ,the good times are gone and we will be living like broke people because we are broke. Do you care to share what you do sir ? Like animals in Africa better get fast and smart or be eaten ,we are all just one step or turn away from being lunch anyway .

    WOW! It;s the rich who make capital investments to provide jobs? YIKES! How preposterous an answer. How many Mommy and Daddies do you know that have BMW?

    They're screaming? Did you have the chance to watch any news coverage of the tea party rallies, maybe you caught the one where a tea party member bit the finger of someone who just crossed the street to ask a question about the gathering.
    ed shank

    @ Algeo. The BMW was a figure of speech, although it is today the Chevy of yesterday. Tell me of one poor person who created a job. Those who invest make money. Money makes money, usually off the backs of people like you and me. How old are you if I might ask?
    ed shank

    @ Bigben. There will always be someone in every movement or group who does something stupid or says something stupid. The actions of several idiots does not take away the legitimacy of the tea party movement. Although somewhat fragmented now, it still is a movement by the people for the people.

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