    Do you really believe all the scares about world financial crises?

    The US Air Force this year awarded Boeing $350 Billion dollars in a single contract to provide 18 flying gas stations (aerial tankers). $350 Billion is greater than the entire "Euro zone economic crisis", it's 100x what it cost to fly Apollo 14. One contract. Is there a Finance Minister or a Congressman who is not completely nuts?

    +2  Views: 700 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    The crisis around the world is real. The government is using borrowed money. 

    without a doubt , turn on the news any where in the world, it's to big to be a conspiracy..

    Yes, the crisis is very real. The European Union seems to be reluctant to make  the necessary moves to prevent a looming disaster and we're in political gridlock with a group of politicians that are more interested in staying in office than doing what is good for the country. In addition, the rising secondary economies such as Brazil and others are slowing due to the drag of the large countries. It's a real mess.

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