    Did you all know that umbrellas are illegal in Seatle? They are considered structures and are therefore banned.

    +2  Views: 1310 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: law

    People complain about the rain in Seattle alll the time. Now I know why.
    Clint Eastwood was the mayor of Carmel, CA where it is illegal to east an icecream cone on the sidewalk.

    People complain about the rain in Seattle alll the time. Now I know why.
    Clint Eastwood was the mayor of Carmel, CA where it is illegal to east an icecream cone on the sidewalk.

    4 Answers

    I am astonished to read that! What do people do for protection against the rain??? I'm glad I don't live there, it would play havoc with my hair!


    excellent comment!
    my hair doesn't do well in ANY kind of weather. I suggest HATS. : )

    Mine too.

    I didn't know it but I can't say that I disagree with the ban.How many times have you come close to losing an eye because someone wasn't taking due care with their umbrella?


    They are allowed to carry close umbrellas, but are not allowed to open them.

    Yeah, it's all fun and games until someone loses any eye!

    Actually, news reports (and you can believe whatever you want) say Seattle is not allowing people to sit and have an open umbrella.  Standing with an open umbrella is premissible. 
    It is far-fetched to call an umbrella a structure, but it kind of makes sense (not passing a law, but common sense) that a crowd of people sitting and holding open umbrellas over their heads would create quite a "traffic" or "pedestrian" jam.  I didn't read the whole article, but it appears there was a problem at some sit-in or protest.   The article also mentions people not being allowed to stand under awnings or wrap themselves in a tarp. 


    This sounds more like it,"sit and have a open umbrella".I could'nt see a ban on umbrella's where it rains so much,or a ban on them anywhere for that matter,how silly.

    Well, this is America. Anything is possible. But I sure agree with you on this. How silly to ban umbrellas from rain country.

    There are many countrys that have rain, people use umberellas, so far, have not heard of any ones eye, been taken out by umberella. People also have responsilbly to look where they are going. You are right Bob/PKB, its America, and any thing is possible.


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