    how did OWLS start

    0  Views: 752 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    ....OWLS means ?


    How did owls start what, a fight, a dance, a party ?

    Owls were created on the 5th day of Creation about 6,000 years ago.

    'The Owls' is the nickname of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club.

    Founded 1867; 149 years ago as The Wednesday Football Club.  The Ground is at Hillsborough, Owlerton, Sheffield.

    From Wikipedia : In the summer of 1912 a Wednesday player, George Robertson, presented the club with an owl mascot. A monkey mascot introduced some years earlier had not brought much luck even though the club stressed that they should keep their original nickname The Blades (now the nickname of arch-rivals, Sheffield United). However, the club somehow failed to get their wish and the club became known as The Owls especially after, having placed the owl under the roof of the North stand in October, Wednesday went on to win the next four games.                                                                 

    The popular view of the origin of the nickname is that Wednesday are known as The Owls because the stadium is technically in Owlerton. However, in the local pronunciation of "Owlerton" (OH-ler-ton), the first syllable rhymes with "pole", not "owl", and the mascot story suggests that this is not entirely the case.

    Well then, there you have it.

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