    Not a question...It's Canadian Thanksgivng this weekend. I want to wish everyone a very happy day of Thanks...Canadian Style!

    ...and my last 'i' is missing! 

    xo FG

    +15  Views: 1057 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Wishing you well here....happy Canadian Thansgiving...i did not know there was a difference!

    Big hugs, Fish

    ...I didn't even touch the button and the darned thing posted...curious.

    ours is in november. happy thanksgiving all!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Fish.  Do you guys eat the traditional Turkey as we do here in the United States?


    Good question country bumpk,I hope fish girl see's this so she can answer...

    Can't eat turkey as I am allergic...I make all sorts of wonderful things. My husband and I go back and forth on the ham... I like savory...French and he likes sweet...
    Mine makes gravy and his does not. I win this year!

    Yes they do ;)

    We eat carrots and turnips (Which is an English I make a mushroom appy that ClevelandRick would just love... Roasted beets and the most wonderful potatoes...(My husband is a genius in the kitchen). So much food...cakes and cookies ... I wish you could all be here. I love a good gathering.

    Really Colleen?...There is no gravy in sight when the handsome one cooks the ham. I am thinking he needs a new recipe.

    I think you live in the wrong spot in Canada,lol No eh and no turkey. My friend her family, her wife's family, their friends, all have turkey for their dinner. Maybe they're in the wrong spot and not you? Maybe they should be in the states, lol

    I think we are one big happy...



    When I first met my friend from Canada, I noted the eh she would say so one day I said it too and then in an excited voice said,"I can speak Canadian!" OK, so you had to be there but we laughed so hard. :D

    The 'eh thing is what we are noted for but I don't here it so much in the baffles us in a way (me specifically)...Definitely Eastern
    I think it's cute.

    That's funny because she lives on the western side of Canada, just outside of Calgary.

    She is surrounded by Cowboys and 2 hours down the highway and for some inexplicable reason 'eh is lost. I can't explain it. I have never heard 'eh in Banff or Jasper either... I must be hanging out with the wrong people.

    Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Cranberry!  Here's to thanks and happy eating.....


    How's James?

    Up and complaining, mild cramps. He woke during the procedure and hopes he puked on the girl with hose before he went out again..
    I had a pretty bad insulin reaction today and scared the Hell out of him. He has determined that this is a "bad" week...

    Oh, and Thank You for asking.....JHH

    Oh my goodness the two of you need TLC. I can't believe he woke up. That is so not good...My sister, when she was alive did this. She was a nurse and she used to say, "How can I take a job seriously when I look at butts all day long?" She was passionate about her job and because of her I know the ins and outs (aurgh!) of what James is going through.
    The two of you take care. I am over and out....I have to trim pots at the crack of dawn and then create a feast. Big hug and one for James.

     Pilgrim  Happy Thanksgiviving Fish girl


    Happy Thanksgiving, fish girl.  We're glad you're here with us.



    That is so cute. I am thankful for you lovely bunch...I would say coconuts but you may not take me seriously.

    "Coconuts" would be a compliment! Thanks.

    Happy Thanksgiving Fishgirl........That would be the first time in my life,that i have ever wished that to someone.Us Aussies don't celebrate ThanksGiving,shame.

    I didn't know Canadians celebrated thanks giving. HAPPY THANKS GIVING , Fish Girl.


    We have it all going on with holidays and festivals.

    Sound like you have a fun time, Fish.

    Happy Thanksgiving Fish girl...


    I hope you and yours have a good one when the day comes...I just want to say something to you...It's difficult to put into words...The thing that you wrote to Bob/PKB...I know that too.

    Well that's ok fish girl.

    I see your Thanksgiving is celebrated on Monday. Does that mean tomorrow is a national holiday there? Have a very happy day!


    Today we have the food and tomorrow we least in my home. I actually have a glaze firing happening tomorrow and so since I am head cook and bottle washer....We feast today!
    Monday is the National Holiday.

    Hope you have a wonderful time. Happy Thanksgiving. I sure learn something new all the time.

    Thank you! Have a nice weekend

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I cant wait for our Thanksgiving, yum turkey and what we call dressing here in the south in the USA  oh and giblet gravy yummy!

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