    What is going on with this site ?? Everything is moving so slow . Takes forever to change a page or post any thing

    Too slow.

    +6  Views: 913 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thought it was at my end. Guess not. :(

    16 Answers

    yes im really happy and i dont go to school tommorow i also got my report card yesterday and i have all A's but 1 B in science im trying also what  was the reply yesterday . i would have checked them but i had to write an essay didnt go to sleep till 11:00 and a little tired but im ok . oh what state do you live in it my be close to texas . i just wish sometimes that people at school will stop making fun of me but i really dont care cause i know theyre joking but ya thats pretty much it . dont be mad but i got a crush on 3 boys they know it and they all like me. reply when get this message


    You're doing very well in school. Very impressive grades. Good for you! I just replied back to you when you said hi to me. I asked how you were doing. Teasing is a way of showing someone you like them believe it or not. As long as you see the humor, you'll be OK. Let them know if it gets to be too much though. You have a right to stand up for yourself and your feelings. I know you're of the age to be interested in boys, just don't let it interfere with your studies. Boys are not worth lowering your grade point average over ;) Enjoy your weekend!

    concentrate on your grades. do not ever compromise your FAITH, GRADES, OR FUTURE. Those that will really care about you will come up to your level, never go down to there level!!!!

    Try these sites for science : Congradulations on your fine grades . Bill

    I understand Big Blue... my husband is sick on the couch and so I am stuck by his side... otherwise this would be beyond the beyond...

    I think mine is  s l  o   w   e    r..............................................

    I have noticed this also...I think we are formulating our responses far to quickly...the powers that be have to look into a new and improved computer brain pack.


    Perhaps,I just had my system updated to stop this kind of headache . This site is moving like cold tar .I have limited time for this so it makes responding when its slow .

    Perhaps,I just had my system updated to stop this kind of headache . This site is moving like cold tar .I have limited time for this so it makes responding when its slow .

    I have also noticed this since last night, it is soooooo frustrating.

    I've reported the issue twice now to the developers. Still waiting to hear back from them. It is impossibly slow, nothing is responding as it should, I told them I've personally about had it.  I can not deal with feeling like I'm on dial up. Hopefully it will be corrected soon. 

    It is so slow, I had to shut down for a while. Takes too much time. TUs are also slow.

    I have also noticed this since last night, it is soooooo frustrating.


    I had a chance to give you two thumbs up...don't tell anyone!

    S S S S O O O O    S S S S S L L L L L O O O O O O O O O O O W W W W W .......

    mine is s  l  o  w   e   s   t............................... i mean it cause when i press the send comment once it pops up like 50 of them plus people are always talking now its like everybody is ignoring each other


    You can only press send 1 time and then wait. As many times as you press send is as many times as your comment will post.

    i press once but it popped up like 4 and hi mom how have u been i havent talked to you in a long time


    I'm good, I replied to you yesterday I believe, I guess you missed it. I'm just dealing with the annoyance of this site running so flow. It's been like this for me for 3 days now. I've only been able to answer 1/4 of the questions I usually answer and it takes longer for me to remove the vulgar people. Other than that everything is good :)
    How are you? I bet you're happy it's Friday.

    oh my message is on top of this one sorry

    well nevermind

    I put a question on this last week I think I had one answer on this and whats with when you TU somebody it flys up so quick then you have to make a comment and then it flys back to the top it takes ages now if you are commenting and TU ing

    Doing the same with me too.

    ok if i ever need anything ill let you know good night luv ya


    Goodnight JB <3

    that's a relief to me.. i thought it was just me.

    Lucky i came across this post when i did,because tomorrow (monday) i was going to put the computer in the repair shop to be looked at.

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