    Is it possible to walk on water

    +6  Views: 1069 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    20 Answers

    Sure if it's frozen.

    I can't walk on water but I can skate on ice.


    are,but can you skate under Ice?????????

    A minnow.

    I walk on water can that ain’t frozen two ways. The first way is easy if you know where the rocks are. The second way I learned when I was sailing a boat and a few friends were on board. We were cursing along pretty well in a light breeze and full sales and this very question came up as an amusement. So I bet I could walk on water from one side of the boat to the other, on the water. Well everyone was excited to see me do that and with some encouragement I proceeded to take the line that hoists a sail up by a pulley to the top of the mast in hand and ran off the end of our boat on the seaward side and pretending to be walking around the front of the boat to the leeward side and back on board. Proving the fact that I can walk on water. Several of my companions did as I had done and it seemed our time in traveling was briefer even though we had to pick those up who fell in during their attempt.

    I don't know about walking on water but these doods can ATV on water..  Almost as good as walking..

    Try it, and let us know  lol.


    Pigs will fly b4 I can walk on water .I get in the pool and it gets out .Thankyou have a nice day

    flange, your funny, when you swim in the sea, is that when tide goes out. lol. Have nice week end.

    Yep - everytime it rains i walk on the pavement!

    Not where I'm fishing,if you know what's good for you!

    Just put floaties on your feet and walk.

    yes alex furgusons does,


    Is Alex Furusons a magician?

    He can kick an hairdryer across the dressing room like no other man,

    Certain insects and some amphibians can walk on water. Jesus and Jim Jones could also do it.


    Who was Jim Jones

    Jim Jones was leader of a sect, the Peoples' Temple which ended in the mass suicide of almost 1,000 people in Guyana in 1978.

    Did he really walk on water or was that a magical act?

    Fishy, I am sure that Jesus was walking on water,it is written in the Bible so it must be true. Jim probably not. All witnesses are dead, Jim also.

    Jim Jones was a whack job!!!

    I don't think you can but if you get a running start you might be able to get a step or two in. Before you sink like a rock, that is:)


    It's quite possible:


    See?  There you go.


    I don't know I have never tried.

    My cat runs across the water every time we try to bathe him,every time............

    You could always "try make sure its up to your ankles first.

    You did not say what / There is a Jesus lizard that does this walk on water thing easily .

    Yes, if you have stepping stones hidden just under the water so no one can see them.

    Yes, if your shoes are big enough.

    Only in my spirit, or in a dream all thing are possible .


    You know what they say Face, if you can dream it you can make it happen.

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