
    Are you discerning with your TU?  Do you only TU those answers that are well thought and articulated?  What is your checklist for TU?  Are you TU anything and everything?
    Likewise, are you willing to give a TD and back up your decision with a brief comment (not an accusation or confrontation) that clarifies the reason for your TD?  

    +9  Views: 1043 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thanks for putting this question out there Bob/PKB.

    It seemed a good idea after the marmite (?) issue.

    10 Answers

    I am a liberal TU'er and give to all answers I enjoyed reading. I give a Thank you to thoughtful responses.


    THANK YOU gets karma points, too, I'm sure you know. I see a difference in TY vs TU; it sounds like you do as well.

    I'm a bit prejudiced with my TUs but on the other hand, I really like giving them to a well deserved answer....


    one well-deserved coming up.

    I don't TD-- I would rather voice my opinion on that person-- To TD someone without an explanation is a suckerpunch.. Voice your reason for TD..  I would rather not TD someone after I voice my opinion of their post, its like kicking them in the ribs after you knock them down..

    Not saying that I have 'never' TD anyone but I can safely say its been many months since i have done that..  Some people need a swift kick in the ass..  but not many..


    I will only TD for bad very rude / disgusting comments. We all have differing opinions and that should be remembered before hitting the TD button. Whether you agree with an opinion or statement other peoples views should be respected. In my opinion, for what it is worth, if you disagree with an answer, simply don't vote up - but do not vote down unless the answer is rude or contains disgusting comments or swearing. There is no place on Forums for this type of perverted behaviour - once this type of behaviour is seen to be "accepted" it then becomes the norm and it is then too late to change. Good moderation is key to sucsess. Finally, it's always nice to see peoples sense of humour shining though with the often very whitty answers - yes it keeps us (or me at least) sane!  Keep it coming & TUs to you all.        

    Personally I feel the TU button is used too liberally. Some members give a TU to all the answers of those members they like, regardless if its a really good answer or not. For that reason I give more than I would if that wasn't the case. I would have much rather seen a TU given for only the real good answers or the ones that took some research. I realize many will disagree with me on this but ... "you did ask the question."

    As far as the TD, I agree with Colleen completely.

    I  give TUs for answers that i can relate to and of course to the ones that are answered in a professional manner,i have often thought that the admin could set something up,where we have to give an explanation as to why we are giving a TD and for them to approve if it is warranted or not.It would save a lot of repurcussions.I do see meaningless answers given to a question,and a lot of TUs given in support.I have given 2 TDs since i have been here, and that was about animal cruelty and a sexual question involving children.(It was not from a member here)i would rather leave a comment than to give a TD.


    I'm thinking about asking them to just take the TD button away. This way people who disagree with an answer can say so or just walk away. Maybe then people will be less likely to not answer for fear of a TD.

    The TD button serves a purpose, though, and to just have the TU takes away the consequence of posting a repugnant question or answer. It wuld be almost like kids' city sports leagues nowadays. EVERYONE gets a trophy...don't want to destroy anyone's self-esteem!
    Perhaps the value of the TD could be equal to the value of the TU???

    Should people be punished for using them incorrectly when they don't know that they are using them incorrectly and where are the instructions for the use of this site and what is a T D


    Newbies get warnings.

    This is the very reason I stopped commenting or asking questions. I looked at the references at the bottom of the page and found nothing. Other sites let people disagree without punishment. Those comments that are disagreed with over a certain amount are just hidden.

    Giving a thumbs down for no good reason other than it is opposite your opinion is punishing someone. You can verbally disagree but to TD and run is not cool or allowed. Anyone is welcome to find other sites more to their liking.

    "Those comments that are disagreed with over a certain amount are just hidden."
    I don't get what you mean here.


    @ flange: punishment = Vacation without pay, maybe? :)

    To answer flange and also this question as far as thumbs down goes,

    If you are new and it's made known that you are thumbs downing for no good reason, you will get a message letting you know you can not thumbs down just because an answer is opposite of your opinion. I will explain in an e-mail if possible or right here on the forum that we do not TD for that reason. No one should be punished by another member just because they gave an honest opinion. Members who have been here long enough to see all the many discussions we've had about the TU and TD button will not get a message because they should know at that point how to use the rating system responsibly.

    When a person asks a question, they are opening them self up to answers they may not agree with. They need to be able to handle that or not bother asking questions. I've asked the administrators a few times to add the community voted rule that opinions are off limits to being thumbed down somewhere on this forum. The thing is, there's not really a good place to put rules of any kind because most people do not ever look at any other pages than the unanswered and answered pages. People ask all the time what karma is for and there is actually a page explaining it but they do not see it because they do not look beyond the unanswered and answered pages. The rules could be added to the blog but how many people look at the blog or even know of the blog? Nothing can be put on the unanswered/answered pages because it would just get buried under the questions coming through. akaQA is a community and all member have a hand in running it and explaining the rules. When a person chooses not to conform to the rules (and we really have very few here, most of them listed in this reply) then that's where I or another moderator or admin steps in. 

    It's a simple thing really, the thumbs down is for comments or questions that are vulgar, hurtful, inflammatory or racist. Real nasty answers or questions. People work hard for the points they get here and they should not lose them just because they like something that another person does not like, which is what happened yesterday. When a person opens a question, that does not give them the right to give a thumbs down to all the responders who happen to like the food that person does not like. That is childish and honestly we really do not need a member like that here. This is a community that should work together to help others, not be at war with each other over a thumbs down button. To TD a  member just because you don't agree with their opinion is like walking over to your neighbors house and egging it just because you don't like the color car they bought. I've seen too many karma wars here, to just let it slide when someone abuses the button. I watched a member lose over 2000 karma points one day just because they had an opinion that differed from another's. It's stupid and childish to go through someone's answers and  TD all of them for no good reason.  

    This TD rule will not change, not as long as the majority of the members agree.  I will always warn a newbie first, but if a person has 11000 karma to their credit, then no warning, they should know better already. If anyone has an issue with this, the only thing I can say is there are 1000's of other forums out there. 


    Colleen, is it possible to put a sticky at the top? On my forum I can place a sticky and/or global announcement.

    I've asked about a sticky too. I have the same option on my forum. I'm not sure if this type of forum set up allows for that.

    THANK YOU, Colleen, for explaining for everyone who didn't know. I appreciate the time and effort needed to type all of that.
    What are the sticky notes?
    What are other forums "out there" and how do you find them?

    Sticky just means being able to have a thread that does not move with the other threads (questions). It is stuck to the top of the main page. Like I said to Vinny, I do not think the app this forum is built on allows for stickys.

    wiki answers, yahoo answers, to name a few. All are similar to this idea, ask a question get an answer. Or you can Google discussion forums. Vinny and I each have forums we built on our own.

    Very well articulated. Did you stay at the Holiday Inn Express last night, Colleen? Wow.

    You should incorporate this into the Blog or User's Policy.

    I've answered this same question so many times here that I think I've become an ace at it, lol It's up to the admin if rules get posted. Last I knew one of them was suppose to be putting a list somewhere here.

    Timeliness to this question?  A+ to BOB/PKB

    All good answers.  I have really nothing more to add.  Usually I am very adamant and dogmatic when it comes to this issue.  You guys have just rendered me speechless.  Bravo!

    And Yes, I am certain that Colleen stayed at the Holiday Inn Express last night.  She's running on all 6 cylinders.


    I give thumbs up liberally. (Or else I forget and don't give any thumbs up at all) I am glad that people give their point of view. They don't have to be brilliant or articulate - they just have to be.

    Of course there are times when I don't give a thumbs up ~ I don't want to get into that. 


    Right now my thumbs up button is broken and I am on my way to the Mac shop.

    Did you like the 20 minute answer you recieved or dislike it it seemed ok to me

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