    how do i get side bar

    0  Views: 547 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Ask the JUDGE!

    Microsoft added sidebar gadgets to the Windows Vista interface with the intention of enhancing the overall user experience. However, the gadgets that actually ship with Vista do not exactly fill that promise. But, as it happens so often, users, developers, and the generally ingenious have filled the gap with a plethora of gadgets, widgets, and gizmos, one of which, at least, is sure to add a desired function to your desktop. This How do I… shows you how to find and add Windows Vista sidebar gadgets to your desktop interface.

    Now, I usually lead the pack in my contempt for anything that further clutters my desktop, but many of these gadgets are actually useful. They provide access to functions that normally remain hidden behind menus and folders. If the objects sitting on my desktop perform a useful function, they cannot really be considered clutter, can they?

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    Gadget interface

    If the Windows Sidebar is not turned on in your installation of Vista, you can activate it by navigating through the Start button and clicking the Accessories folder, .


    You could also type “sidebar” into the Desktop Search box to activate the Windows Sidebar. A typical Vista sidebar has a default configuration similar to the one shown in Figure B, which includes a clock, RSS reader, and the image slideshow applet.

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