    Do you know anything about fear???

    +1  Views: 749 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    Fear is overrated, there is nothing to fear but fear itself......

    9 Answers

    What would you like to know? Everyone fears something. Some more so than others.

    Until you actually are in a life and death situation, you'll never know. Everything else you may think you fear is secondary. Been there .. done that!

    The only thing I fear is FEAR itself.


    And who said that spaceghost?or similar?

    FDR !!!

    "There is nothing to fear but fear itself" - FDR said this too sorry you already commented didn't see it.

    The season for my sport is over for the most part. I fear not being able to participate the next season. I go through this every year though. The emotion of fear is not necessarily a bad thing, it can be almost orgasmic if it's done voluntarily.

    I am prone to go into fearful situations with confidence and address anyone present  with resolute authority. 

    Mainly, fear is the most primal human emotion - consisting of both psychological and emotional response to danger. We have to feel it to protect ourselves. Also has a boichemical reaction.

    the FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of  knowledge....

    fear is fear and you must fight this if you are in this predicament

    Spaceghost - quotation - Had i the heavens' embroider'd cloths, -  Enwrought with golden and silver light, - The blue and the dim and the dark cloths - Of night and light and the half light, - I would spread the cloths under your feet; - But I, being poor, have only my dreams; - I have spread my dreams under your feet; - Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. - William Butler Yeats. 

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