
    +1  Views: 666 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Who knows whats on some ones mind ??? Marriage  means kids and diapers and crying babies and so many more things lots of expenses and responsibilities .This is not for a little while but for years and years .None of this is easy ,in fact its very hard . How about a no frills wedding ,getting the ring and just a small party and ............... overwhelming . Most guys worry about the rent and the next car payment  a date with you and gas for the car. And the cell phone and so many other things . I don't believe its about love but about reality and being practical . If it don't work then there is child support and that whole mess.  Maybe its about love maybe not . I would not even venture a guess. So you might consider your self lucky here and wait . Best of luck .    Bill

    He might love you but is not ready to commit. A lot of guys see marriage as giving up their freedom. Some men do not like the tied down feeling.

    ""Why would you ask a male to marry you? Find someone else...go eat some food, be happy...

    He just wants to get into your pants.  JUST SAY NO.

    You need to take your time and use a spell check.. It would do us all good.

    If a person says no to marriage proposal doesn't necessarily mean that there's no love..  Just bad timing..

    Are you a male looking to marry a male or female??  Sorry, I am from the old book, it was always the male asking the female for their hand in marriage..   Such a new world, every morning i wake up something else changed..  Use a spell check, proper spelling is the difference between getting a respectful answer or being ignored as a troll kid.

    spell check please....why would you even think of marriage at your age???? i can tell you are very young by your question.

    if you are like 22 and you were his girl friend then it would be appropriate to ask to get married not 16, and i am not saying you are sixteen i am just giving you happy advice

    I don't recommend your marrying anyone at this time in your life. You need to finish school, and you need a spelling coach. If you are old enough to get married, and you have grammar and spelling like you do, then I would say you should pursue more education.

    My guess is you are a pre-teen or teen who thinks they want to get married and have a baby and life will be wonderful.

    Hate to disappoint you, but that is not the way it works. No, you and your boyfriend are not different. Either he doesn't love you or both of you are way too young. He still might not love you. If you believe you are in love and think he loves you, pay attention to his other actions, how he treats you, who is chasing whom, and if you find that he is really only into you, then he will also be in 5 years if he loves you. People change at different ages in their life, so what you think you want now will likely not be what you want in 5, 10,15,25,35,50 YEARS. Do you really think you can spend that much time being married to this guy?

    You sound so young, go out and have fun and do things you can never do if you are married. Education, adventures, travel, fun you have never had.

    Guilty of the same when a teen, I do not know why girls want to get married and have babies when there is so much out there in life to live and to experience. Lots of fun things and new people, places !!!! You will be able to do so much more with an education, as in making more money so you can have nicer things, travel and not have to have a man to take care of you. That's the last thing you want.

    If you pursue getting married at a young age, you will regret it later in life.



    vinny is that a real picture of you  and are you italian or mexican      by the way not trying to be racist just asking



    AMERICAN! but I am of Sicilian decent. -- My grandparents settled in the USA in 1928. I am 100% American!

    He said no for a couple of reasons.  The first is he doesn't want to get married to you at this point in time.  (By the way, you said you love him, but didn't say that he has reciprocated those feelings).
    The second reason he doesn't want to marry you at this point in time is because you really must to work on structuring a comprehensible sentence.  Your spelling is wacky, too.
    Seriously, don't be asking guys to marry you.  Please.

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