    Is there a cure for shingles pain in the shoulder blade area?

    I have had shingles pain for over a year in the left shoulder blade. I am on gabapenten with little releif.

    +2  Views: 462 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Check with your doctor.

     Doctor I havnt had this but I belive it is really painful you must go back and see your Doctor as we are not Doctors on this site we can only give you advise I know my friend who had it the Doctor gave her Tramadol and she found it helpful as Isaid before speak to your Doctor who can at least help you with the pain good luck


    I had it about 15 years ago, it's really painful and goes on for a long time. You need to ask you doctor for pain killers, don't think there is much else you can do, you have to let it take it's course.

    I’ve heard it’s a pretty bad pain. Real bad. I think your doctor needs to give you Opiod medication. And the Lidoderm Patch like Barbara said.


    A new cure for shingles pain is a  lidoderm patch which is a transdermal form of lidocaine. Try it and hopefully it will help with the pain. 

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