    Will gays & lesbians go to Heaven?

    +5  Views: 1175 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    yes, just like everyone else.


    Yeah - so right Ann!!!!

    Yes. Everyone goes to heaven. There is no hell. Lesbians and Gays are living the lives God gave them, there is no forgiveness needed for that.


    Everyone goes to heaven?? Are you kidding me?? Then why am i trying to be such a good little boy and work at it so hard?? Hell, I'm gunna take up drinking, find me some street tramps, rob a few banks, do some drugs, rape a kitten, whatever it takes!! LOL..

    There is a heaven for even the bad Souls, it's a lower heaven than the ones who tried their best to do good go to. God does not destroy His creations nor is He mean and send people to eternal damnation. That's a myth created by the church to control the followers.

    Vinny,is that the only reason you don't do drugs rape kittens,rob banks etc? Just to stay out of hell? I don't think so! I think those of us who don't do these things do so for our own self esteem not because of some threat of nastiness to come.You don't do these things because you are better than that Vinny.That's all!

    I am as queer as a 3 dollar bill, but when I croak I am not going to heaven. There are too many jihadists and virgins there from the middle east taking up space. I hate crowds.

    You will have your own space jon. Heaven is endless.

    TommyH: Of course i was just making a joke about 'raping kittens and doing drugs. This is just my warped sense of humor. Although i was raised Christian, I have said many times here that I am a 'free thinking Christian' I have selective beliefs-- Believe me, my way of Christianity is not going to put me in hell (assuming it does exist) My morals and better judjement is based entirely on my upbringing, I do not remember once in my growing up years that my parents EVER said I would go to hell for doing one thing or another-- However, they did show me the palm of their hand across my butt! This was my fear and this is what made me a respectful person, this is how I taught my son as well and he is a very upstanding citizen at 33 years old.

    HELL is REAL
    u will go to heaven or hell depending on wether u repent or not

    God loves everyone but he has his laws that we are to obey. We cannot make up our own rules as we please and expect to go to heaven. There definitely is a hell. People do go there because they reject God's divine will for our lives. The only way to heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and to allow Him to direct our lives. We make choices every day whether to sin or not. We have been given the 10 Commandments in the Holy Bible. God makes it clear that homosexuality is an abomination unto The Lord. Forgiveness is absolutely necessary or Jesus would not have shed his blood for us. Wouldn't you hate to find out when you pass on that you were wrong? This doesn't mean that homosexuals should be abused or killed. It means that they should hear the truth. God gave us a free will to decide for ourselves how to live our lives. He will not force Himself on anyone. At least open up The Bible, learn, and decide for yourself. Don't be deceived by the world. The world doesn't care whether you go to heaven or hell. Jesus does.

    Blah, blah, blah. Go be good little sheeple and pray for yourselves. I'm fine, everyone is fine. There is no hell. God hates no one. Homosexuality exists because God wants it to. You people need to worry about yourselves and stop trying to play God. Your religion is a bunch of malarkey but it's yours. Keep it to yourself. I've been to heaven, I've stood in God's light. I know I'll go there when I die. Can you say the same? Has your God let you see where you are going? Worry about your own paths and what God thinks of you. This is your only concern.

    To explain abomination and sin - An abomination is something that Christians consider immoral, disgusting, or shameful or as they also believe, something God hates immensely. In ancient times it was what set the standards for the moral and societal codes of the people from a religious view point. Here are some things that were listed as abominations... Having sex with a menstruating woman, same gender sex, having sex before marriage, masturbation, eating the flesh of a pig, touching the carcass of a dead pig, eating rabbit, eating shellfish, dishonest business practices, charging of interest on a loan. It was an abomination to eat or drink with strangers (by those standards, restaurants would be considered abominations), to wearing clothing woven of two kinds of material, to plant a field with two kinds of seed, harvesting the corners of a field, cross-breeding livestock. Interracial marriage was an abomination. Shaving or getting a hair cut or getting tattooed. These and many others were abominations against man the more detestable were considered (by the people) to be abominations against God. Because men set down their own societal codes it can be said that one would be going against man's laws if he committed an abomination. To sin against God is to transgress HIS law. In other words, disobedience to His Word is sin. To break any of the 10 commandments is to sin against God. Not one of the ten commandments lists same gender sex as a sin. There are a great many acts that we accept today as common and normal that the bible called abominations. Some abominations have been declassified as we modernized. Abominations changed over time as mankind grew and understood more than the simpler minded men of the Christ era. Yet over the great span of time, the 2000 thousand years of evolution, the 10 commandments have remained steadfastly the same. Why? Because they are considered to be God's laws. Those are what you need to worry about. Abomination is out dated laws written by men of an ancient era.

    Colleen: What did you do, create your own religion? "There is a heaven for even the Bad souls. It's a lower heaven..." Really? That's the first I've heard of this. All dogs may go to heaven, but not all people.

    Russ, first, I strongly suggest that you remove the thumbs down you gave my answer. Whether you agree with it or not, it is my opinion and those are safe from thumbs down here. If you want to play it that way, I can thumbs down every answer you give that I do not agree with. This would pretty much obliterate your karma.

    Second, I follow a most ancient path. One that has existed since the dawn of mankind. You've never heard of it because you are not ready for it. It finds you, you do not find it. Jesus was taught many things by this path. Ask him when you get to heaven. Yes, there are many levels of heaven. Even Paul spoke of them in his letters. You need to stop being frightened of what's outside your little box. Step on out into the light. You will be amazed at what you see and what you can learn.

    All Souls go to heaven. People as in the physical body, do not. We are Soul, specs of God. We are not people, we are not our bodies. The body is what makes us people. Soul makes us part of God.

    Vin, Please leave out the kitten !

    Why should they not?

    They will be accepted just like all souls.Whether they choose to is their own choice.

    Why not - I cannot understand the discrimination - I remember Jesus being kindly about prostitutes and probably more people we decide to label. and therefore bad who are we to judge or even ask the question.

    They'll find out after they've taken their last breath. Man tolerates, God does not. No one here can truly answer that question.


    I can. I've been to heaven. God loves. By the way, you're the last person who should say man tolerates with some of the stuff you say about those who you find not "normal". Man is the judger and damn-er, God only loves. Stop trying to turn Him into a shallow minded man.
    ed shank

    What I perceive as "normal" is my opinion and my opinion only. I have a conscience, I have an understanding that people are different, and I "try" not to be critical of things that I don't understand. To imply that I Judge others is simply not true. An opinion on a subject does not make me a damn-er either. You have always been very outspoken on the subject of gays. I have never commented negatively on that topic. You have attacked many who believe being gay is morally wrong and a sin. This "is" what many people believe, but you berate them with a vengeance because of their beliefs, because they don't share your thinking. Who's really being Judgemental? I've never been to heaven, and never met God. I hope to see you there some day, not too soon. Lunch is on me.

    I have a right to defend myself from those who throw ugly hate at me because they judge me to be not normal. You would take that from me? Let millions say you are wrong in the way you live Ed and let's see how silent you remain or let's see that you do not defend yourself from them. I am only one who says your thinking is wrong and you stand up to me, right? Why should I not stand up to anyone who says I am wrong just because of their beliefs and opinions? Beliefs and opinions like theirs and even yours breed hate and violence towards people like me. I have a right to defend my life. If you want to see me as judgmental for this, then fine but I will not change my agenda to protect myself and my community from close minded judgmental people. We harm no one. Your words harm us.

    Your opinion of normal will differ from another persons opinion of normal. This is why I say normal is undefinable.
    ed shank

    Colleen, I've never been judgemental to you or your thinking. I accept the fact that you are gay, and I have no issue with that, never did. Those that do, you can not change.

    Your words "You have attacked many who believe being gay is morally wrong and a sin."

    This is what I was responding to.

    As for me saying your thinking is wrong, this deals with the other thread and you name calling someone just because he dresses in a manner you do not agree with and then you name called anyone who sided with him.

    yes. it doesnt matter what u r no matter what god loves u

    Will there be a questions and Answers in heven,and will i still keep on loseing my kama points,???


    You've been a good boy recently hec.
    No reason for the loss of

    You didn't loss karma points, you lost accounts that you shouldn't have had anyway.

    Didn’t they have to sign the heaven waver contract before they were born because they were told they were going to be gay.


    Everyone signs a contract. Even you did. I hope you're living up to your agreement. You might not like what you come back as in your next life. There may be millions of people who make fun of you then. Karma is a b!tch. :)
    All Souls go to heaven. Even the haters.

    If I come back I am going to sue for breach of contract lol. kidding.

    no unless they repent

    this is not my opinion it is in the bible


    Then the bible is wrong.

    Exactly. The bible is wrong. It is flawed. It was written by man and man is not perfect, neither are do gooders who run around trying to scare people with stories of hell. Hell is right here and right now and for myself sometimes it comes to me in the form of busybody Christians. Do not post to something I say and tell me I'm going to hell you koolaid drinker. Keep your silly religion to yourself. The bible is an inanimate object. It can not have an opinion. It does however lie. Just read the words in it.

    Why do you use a picture that looks like it came straight from hell and then try to act like the good little god child out saving people? You are what you choose to represent yourself. Who do you serve?

    but man was told what to write by god.

    No, man was not told by God. Have you ever heard God? Has anyone really ever heard God's voice? Why only them? Why only over 2000 years ago did God speak? If you think God actually has a voice, you've been drinking too much kool-aid. God does not speak with voice. He told no one to write a book. NO ONE.

    the world is full of idiots

    Case in point. Look at your answer sheep. Sheep do not think either. They just follow the leader and never question where the leader takes them, even if it is over a cliff. They will continue on and go over the cliff too. Follow, follow little sheep. When you have something intelligent to say, come back and share it but if it's only going to be religious rhetoric or to call people idiots, keep it to yourself, no one here will agree with you. Yet another Christian who can only insult and not show the love and acceptance that Jesus showed the people. Hypocrite.

    Yes, if they are good, and no, if they haven't been good.  This is evaluated on a case by case basis.

    of course they will go to heaven, if they follow God's lead. It's not a sin. God makes them that way .

    Even if it was, God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. We're all sinners.

    Some may, why?

    No, homosexuality is a sin.

    Leviticus 18:22 in the King James Version states: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 20:13 is similar, except that it adds the death penalty as punishment.

    Although the original Hebrew clearly refers to male-male sexual activity, both the Living Bible and New Living Translation refer to a prohibition of "homosexuality." This would include sex between two women -- a behavior not mentioned anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures.


    Homosexuality is not a sin. Reread the research I did. It is classed as an abomination in your religion. An abomination is not sin, it was moral code for a long dead era. Abomination and sin are two different things. The word homosexuality should not be in the bible. The word was not invented until the 1800's. Gotta love how modern man changed the verse yet again to include the word homosexuality so they could include women who were not mentioned in the original scripture. Just keep changing up the bible and then keep claiming it's God's word. What a joke. Man has killed any good the bible might have once been. Now he uses it as a weapon of hate and not an instrument of love. King James was a man. Who gave him the right to change the bible?

    I repeat what I told you in my other comment up there. Remove the thumbs down you gave me for my answer. We do not thumbs down opinions.

    Colleen: The thumbs down icon would not be here if the administrators didn't put it there, so I suspect your comment is your personal opinion. As you told me, if you want something changed, talk to the administrators. I'm sure you have some clout as a moderator. Also, I don't know how to remove it if I wanted to. Finally, I don't know how to create a new category as you suggested earlier.

    You remove it by clicking it again. When you get the pop up asking if you want to remove your vote, click yes.

    To create your own category, decline the suggested one and type in your own.

    If you need confirmation that we do not thumbs down opinions, I can have one of the administrators e-mail you. As a moderator, I let the new members know what the rules are here. You've been given one of the rules. This is a member voted rule so you'll have to argue with all the senior members about it.

    The thumbs down button is for vulgar comments, racist comments, hate filled messages used to attack a group of people. Anything explicitly sexual that no one should be subject to.

    <comment move to where it belongs>

    Karma: 5230

    Thank you, Colleen! I appreciate the clarification. Thumbs downs have been changed.

    You're welcome. Thank you for understanding the members wish to leave opinions free of penalty which also keeps freedom of speech on this forum safe.

    Russrocks, you don't rock at all. I have no time for this judgemental garbage.

    Fishlet: I wasn't addressing you, so why do you care? If you don't like it, then don't read it! Besides, who's judging who?

    Russrocks, did you take your "Jerk Pills" today? A person's sexual orientation is just that. It is not a sin to be homosexual.
    You are arguing with a moderator and causing discourse on this forum. Keep it up FUN GUY!

    In discussions, anyone can argue with me. I'm only a mod when I need to moderate. When it comes to the rules of the forum, there is no argument. The moderators provide the rules of the forum and the members adhere to them if they wish to stick around.

    the muslims too give the death penalty to anyone caught in a gay act- - - even nowdays.The follow their Koran. Personally, I don't care if people are gay. I've had many good friends at work who are gay and I love my good friend's son who is gay.

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