    How do I get rid of the anger I have for being played or betrayed and lied to, I keep obsessing on it and is making me sick to my stomach

    0  Views: 269 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    I know exactly how you feel,just hope that the universe deals with him.(What goes around,comes around).As i said in your earlier question,the other girls are going to be left hurt and betrayed as well .He sounds like a real player.As for your anger ,write him a letter and call him for everything,get it all off your chest,don't send the letter it may incriminate you,just rip it up.

    Being lied to by someone you thought you could trust is certainly hard. It's also terrible when you know he is already with someone else and there is a rejection in a way. I would head to the library and find a book on relationship breakdowns and read it for some support. Start a journal and get everything you have bottled up inside out on paper. Start working out and working on the bruised self that needs attention. If you can, go buy a whole new outfit and get yourself feeling good on the outside while you work on the inside issues. I know it's easy for an outsider to say you will get over him, but you will. The best revenge is to look great the next time this ass sees you. Smile at him and walk away without a conversation, he no longer deserves that effort from you.

    Take his picture to Kinkos have it blow up nice and big . Have it rolled up you don't need to see it just yet . Drive to your nearest indoor shooting range . Sign in and rent the biggest  hand gun you can handle . Unroll that picture and attach to the target clamps and send it down range . Then load and point ,breathe and send a box of shells into the target. Then ask the universe for justice every day . Repeat as necessary . Get some new lingerie and do your thing ,have fun !

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