    Last night at 2 am, 5 young men walk through my yard(back to front) Carrying large sticks and knives. 4 of the men were after the 5th man. They stole his bike and we going to beat him. There was a lot of foul language used. It wasn't difficult to understand all were criminals, even the victim. I called 911, after they attacked each other with knives, sticks, and bottles. The glass coves the road. The police show up, and arrest no one. They did collect the knives. Their main concern was somethin

    One of the criminals was missing his jacket. The police covered the area trying to help him locate it.

    My question is what do you think the police should have done?


    +2  Views: 324 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Not much they could do,if the thugs had all ran off and no one was injured thats good enough for the police.They don't like doing the paper work ,Maybe they will get the knives finger printed and then haul them in for questioning and charge them for carrying a weapon.Your neighbourhood sounds scarey,where do you live ?


    They caught them, and personally took the knives off their persons. They had them in the police cars. Turn them loose. I told them what I saw, They all should have been arrested.
    They tried to stab each other, hitting with sticks and bottles, tried to cut each other with broken glass.
    They were only worried about the mans coat.

    Seems odd doesn't it?Are the police corrupt where you live ? some put a blind eye to things,or maybe the crims gave them some information on someone.

    Several of our sheriff's have pull time. Yes, corruption, and everyone is related. You can't root it out.
    The middle school principle was shot in the face by a parent. He expelled his child for fighting. The parent has never been arrested, it has been 3 years. The principle is alive, but in a nursing home.

    I should write a book about this county, bet I'd make a mint!

    Are you living in the southside of Chicago as I am? Sure sounds like it! I can't believe the police here would even attempt to locate someone's jacket....the police do all that they can depending upon where they patrol and how good of a policeperson they must give them credit where credit is's a tough job!


    The crime rate in this county of 1,000 miles, and 130,000 people is 4 times higher than the national average. It is a nightmare. The police can not read or write to past the GED. This fact was in the Newspaper.
    According to the federal Gov- the crime rate here is 4 times higher than anywhere in Chicago! Murder is a daily event, crimes do not get solved here. The have some murders on video, they still can not solve it. They should turn this place into Hogan's Alley!
    Shocking! It is a small farming county.
    ole hipster

    Wow Daisy...sounds like it definitely sucks where you live, myself and I would love to go live in a tiny, tiny town somewhere here in the midwest (as I am prone to love this area and have been to many others) but finances and circumstances prohibit these I keep on keeping on and hope that you do the same where you are...everything is relevant.(:

    I sure do like my little ole country village.

    Wow Daisy, sounds like you live in quite a bad area. Any chance you could get out of there?


    I am suppose to live on the safe side of town, makes you wonder doesn't it?
    I am not from here. I want to move so badly I can't stand it.
    I reported a man unconsciousness on the side of the road to the police. They refused to go check him out. Said he was most likely drunk.
    It was 110 F. They left him there.

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