    DEPRESSION is overwhelming

    For years I have suffered from low-level depression & taken a low-dose anti-depressant.  It seems that every morning and often through the day, I find myself in tears.  I spend hours playing solitaire, here at QA, and staring at the TV. I DO have alot of good going on in my life, but I can't shake the sadness.  Any advice? Please no hurtful or "funny" answers.  Thank you.

    +12  Views: 2182 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hi Bob'
    I have answered you below. I have to go and get on with my day. I hope you have a good one. Take care and don't forget to post again on the subject when things are bad and good!
    Hugs from the Fishy-one xo
    ole hipster

    I believe I have been depressed pretty much my whole life as it has been difficult.....I would not even start by telling anyone the traumas I have endured.....however to make a long story have to grab yourself by the "bootstraps" so to speak and keep on carrying on. Stay positive...enjoy life even if it often sucks...the alternative sucks worse, don't you think? And, foremost if you have your physical health to some degree, you have it all!....(:

    ole hipster, depressed pretty much my whole life, too, and can't even undertand why. I read what you wrote below about your fiance, and that in itself would haunt me every day the rest of my life. To just get through that is a major accomplishment. I am very blessed to have what is probably above-average health, a good brain, and my awesome good looks (lol). Maybe it would be a good idea to try to value life more and put a smile on my face.

    20 Answers

    I began by shaking things up...doing different things that I wouldn't normally steps at first.  I took myself out for a walk (with my dog) every morning so that I could see the sunrise...I began cleaning up the things I didn't like in myself and with others.  I started really taking care of myself...paying attention to the small things...(regular haircuts...a little splash of colour...small things)...The biggest thing I did was look for one beautiful thing every single day.  I found those beautiful things very easily...This began a chain of events...

    I said to myself every Monday, "So what am I going to learn this week"...talking to the universe, I suppose....I decided that when my energy is up, it is up and when it is down, not to beat myself up over it....The one most important thing that I did (this took practice) when I began to feel down...or find myself going down that road, I said "Stop" out loud and thought in a different direction.  This sounds strange but it works.  I trained myself to think differently.

    I felt that I had to take drastic measures within myself to stop feeling so badly...I couldn't stand another day or week of that horrible feeling each and every morning when I woke up.  I just decided to change me.

    I hope this helps.

    xo Fishgirl


    My goodness...everyone here has been through so much.  It's nice that we can share and maybe spread the burden a little.


    Bob, Mel came up with a brilliant make jewelery...Join a few craft's fun and gives you something to look forward to.  It's that time of year


    Thankyou Fishgirl....That sounds so inspirational.

    Thank you, fish girl. I knew you would have a positive and helpful response. I will take your advice and actively appreciate my world. The walk-the-dog sounds like a very good starting point (and my son's dog will love that). There is no reason for me to sit around waiting for life to happen to me.
    Where do you think the strength to pull yourself up came from???....the decision to just change.

    hi, fish girl! I went through my jewelry stuff this morning and am ready to get busy with it. There really is no lack of things for me to's getting the inner strength to move in spite of the stuff that makes me sad. Even when I am motivated, I am overwhelmed by everything I have let go. It does seem like we have all had/have our stuff to work through...but you are so right about baby steps. I am going to pay my bills and do my homework right now. Thank you for being our "head cheerleader". GO GIRL GO

    Hi Bob...The decision came because I was fed up of feeling really badly about myself. I couldn't take it any more and the strength came from God. I asked for strength and I received it...My mother believes in guardian angels and so that is where I looked...The way I look at it, God has staff and they are glad to help. Also my Aunt had just passed away and I am convinced she was there at my weakest moments to pick me up. This process of mine took a few years to turn everything around but it worked.

    There was a time that if I had no reason to get out of bed I just wouldn't. I don't want anyone to feel that way.
    The last 5 years of my life have been depression free ... I would love for others to feel this way. It is freedom.
    Headless Man

    Good comment, Fishgirl........TU
    I never had depression very long, only when in the hospital for a long time and I though I would not get better, just long enough to know how it feels and thank God for the strength to over come it.

    Fishy. you are truly an inspiration for so many of us. I have suffered with depression at times. I always found that walking and walking was the best remedy.God bless

    Hi Bob fish girl gave good advise you have to take this depression by the hand and get rid of it some how but you must stay positive at all times and start going for walks take up painting even if you cant paint it will take your mind of th D word start sewing decorate the house start of with one room do the garden you must turn that telly of and only put it on at night as a treat to reward your selve start cooking making cookies see if you can start selling them I know I am getting boring now so I will end the serman!! do you want my email so you can talk if you do ask Colleen she will give it to you! please take care and read everything that everyone has put it might help bless you xxx


    Thank you, melandrupert. I think getting off my butt is key. Getting busy with different positive activities, too. You didn't get boring at all....I have so many craft things piled up and just don't do much....I just sorted through my jewelry making stuff and have it on my project table! Am on my way to the gym, which does make me feel better. I will ask Colleen for your email and be in touch soon. Blessings to you!

    thank you Bob look forward from hearing from you get that jewely and start selling it home crafts are so in now you could have a carboot sale do you have them over there if not start one they are big buisness xxxx

    Mel you are so right and so helpful to so many people. Bob schould take you up on that. What a beautiful person you are.

    Ann thank you for your kind words I thing most of us are helpful and that definately includes you, if you want my email plaese ask as I would love to talk to you as well just ask Colleen she will give it to you once again Ann I class you as one of my friends on this site love you as always xxxx

    I suffer from sever bi polar disorder and I medicate heavily but, after 32 years, I'm taking the right stuff. I do not recommend lithium as after 29 years on it, I began to react badly to it (I was slowly being poisoned....). But go to your doctor and tell him. Do not be afraid of taking a higher dose of meds, if you need them, you need them... I'll be on them the rest of my life but at least now I welcome life....!

    ole hipster

    Bless your heart jhharlan....I was engaged to and living with a gentleman in Florida many years ago who also had a major bipolar disorder...unfortunately he would NOT take his meds...I could not force feed him them as his family did not seem to give a care one way or the other when I alerted them to the day I came home to find him dead from a self afflicted gunshot wound to the head...major trauma for me obviously and so sad for a man with great potential to take his own life at the age of 47.....anyhow...keep on taking those meds my friend!.(:

    sorry to hear this xxx

    Glad things are more positive for you now,i also heard Lithium is a no go.When my neighbour came off them she had to have electric shock treatment.

    I have had a gun in my mouth on several occasions and have scars on both arms...Bi- polar is real. My then boyfriend came home to find me eating coffee grounds with a fork. That's when it was decided lithium wasn't for me. I now take Abilify with other meds and am loving life for once. Thank you for all the concern... xxooxx Julie

    julie, it sounds like you have had some really rough spots in your life, with diabetes and bi polar to start. I'm so glad you are here to share your thoughts and be part of my cyber-family. You know you are loved here!
    Headless Man

    I have a daughter that became bipolar at 18, I know the hell it can be but after turning it over to God, praying and fasting things started to turn around and after a few years she is living alone and taking care of herself, she is diabetic also to just complicate things.

    Oh my God , Now in some small way I know why I see some of the answers I do . We are all just human and some of the loads put on us by life are just too much to bear . For me this economy has killed what was a successful business  driven me from success to one notch above being homeless. And taken a man with extreme high blood pressure and made him furious 20 hours a day . Side affects from meds give nightmares better than anything you'll see on TV. Got a thousand dollars worth of leather in yesterday  sitting on the bench and after 25 years of making things I don't have a clue what to make or who will buy what I make . I used to love this and could not wait to show finished stuff. Now I could care less as I rember traveling and talking and getting one no after another hours of going from one store to another hearing the same crap about the economy. One store after another closing out of business. I am furious that people aren't marching in the street over gas prices. Worthless good for nothing pecker woods willing to settle for anything. Like sheep they go thru their days . To weak to say no to the crap fed to us by the Government. Sick of being angry all the time .

    To all of you having a difficult time ,I am sorry .There aren't words to fix any of these things. I am not sure that rescuing those  headed down bad paths is a solution or not. I believe in the end we will judged on our deeds and compassion. I can't fix my life so I wont presume to offer any advice here at all. We are all supposed to learn lessons on this journey ,interfering in someone else's schooling might upset the flow of the universe . To all of you I feel you pain and sadness I know what its like .Who ever said make each day count for one good thing is right on track . Toxic environments and toxic people do poison the well of life . So it spite of the reluctance to change  it may be the solution. Best of luck to all .                        Bill

    Headless Man

    Any thing you make if its made in the USA it should sale.
    People are ready to buy USA sell it on e-bay if you don't now.

    There are many who appreciate hand-crafted goods, bluesman 195. Please take care of yourself; there is so much to be angry about in my life, too, but I just can't do it anymore. It changed nothing and made me sick with myself.
    Without trying to sound conceited, I am one of the most intelligent and capable people I know, yet I have been without steady work for 5 years. (Maybe I just have a lousy personality). Now I am learning to be a tax preparer next year and what I learn every day about the way we are taxed and screwed over is frustrating, to say the least. I am at a loss as to what I can do to make a difference or get change started. No one listens to me in my world. No one.

    I feel the same here - people should revolt - I am sick of being angry as well. Come the revolution they will all run to their islands in the sun.

    good comment Randy Palmer hand goods always sell better than factory xx

    Sorry to hear you are a sufferer of Depression Bob/PKB,i know how you feel as i am a sufferer also.Something has to trigger it off,i think mine stems from my child hood ,and to make matters worse i have a Daughter who was rebellious in her teen years and caused me a lot of grief,she is settling down now somewhat but still has her addiction (alcohol) which worries me every day.She is only 26 and a very pretty girl, it crushes me to see her waste her life.I have took her son,my 7 year old grandson into my care from the age of 2(for obvious reasons).I am trying to do my best ,but boy it is hard when you are solely on your own without a soul to help you through the tough times.My Depression comes and goes in stages,if i am not depressed i have anxiety if i don't have anxiety i have depression,i have been on a anti depressant for over 10 years now and every few years the dosage  gets upped.Maybe you could do with a higher dose .I know how you feel and the feeling is not pleasant,we just have to ride it through.


    Life is not easy. It certainly is easy to relate when someone takes the time to write things down. I know only too well addiction to alcohol...I hope your daughter gets well. It is hard on the entire family.
    Maca root helped me with my anxiety attacks (a root vegetable from the Andes Mountains).It comes in powedered form and pills and is available in health/nutrition stores. I have known a lot of other women who say the same... builds your energy as well...regulates hormones. It may work for you.

    pythonlover: Your situation is heartbreaking. Having your grandson with you is a huge responsibility; you have my respect and admiration for stepping in for him. I have two sons with meth addictions; one has been in county jail since March; the eldest has been sentenced to 16 mos. in prison; I understand (in my way) the worry, disappointment, and heartache you are going through over your daughter's lifestyle. I certainly had hopes that my sons (talented, intelligent, and capable) would make better choices than they have so far.
    I used to feel like "it" was all my fault, but, thank God, I have come to realize that I wasn't the worst parent the world has ever known and they have consciously made their own decisions. As you say, ride it through; I am convinced my faith keeps my head above water.

    My Grandkids take care of any depression i have. I get down in the dumps some mornings worrying about how things are going to turn out & then they arrive & it's like being in the eye of a cyclone.I sit in the middle of it &smile at them while they whirl around me with their activities & noisy carrying on.Before I know it I have snapped out of it because I am involved in what they are doing & there is no time to be depressed.


    It's not hard to imagine you in the midst of a grandchildren cyclone! Thank you for your thoughts. I have 2 granddaughters, ages 2 and 1, who I seldom see. Both were subjected to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco during their gestation. It remains to be seen what difficulties they will have to work through as they mature. Right now they are serious screamers. Beautiful little people, with drug addict father (my son, on his way to prison), and drug addict/alcoholic mother. (The girls are with their maternal grandparents most of the time. My ex-husband and his wife have them over occasionally.)

    That's about the saddest thing I can imagine Bob.No wonder you are depressed.I hope it all turns out right for the little guys.You have my thoughts.

    i got the same feelings if u finds out let me know


    Keep checking here. Someone may come up with a good idea; if my doctor was any good, I'd make an appointment....

    Bob I get the feeling that the American people are more compassionate re depression. In the UK there is still remnants of the Victorian Era "Stiff upper lip". I cannot bear people who say "Get over it" -"move on" makes people feel so lonesome - I feel I cannot do it alone - and it would help if people realized this.I am not saying join me be sad - I am happy for the people who are happy - very. I was so happy once most of the time - only last six years have been so difficult - but when I was happy I would never say to someone feeling down "get over it^ etc" -I somehow always knew how it was for them never wanted to as you say make them feel there is something wrong with them - why what is this just rub salt into the wounds and yes there is something wrong they are depressed - just that, as if it is not enough but you get the feeling that they think other things like depression does not exist. . 


    You are probably right. Americans tend to be a little more touchy-feely than the British. Many acknowledge depression as an illness rather than some self-indulgent whim. "Get over it" is a horrible response to someone who is hurting. One really horrible part of depression is that often we don't even know why we are hurting.
    Depression is very, very real. We don't ever just "get over it".
    You have compassionate friends here, not-so-dopey. Any time.

    Thank you so much Bob - so kind and generous of you and of course I am blubbing now not feeling sorry for myself but because of your humanity, I am so strong for others but not so for myself. thankyou again.

    Stop blubbing not-so-dopey, and put on a smile for the rest of the day. We are friends here and support each other through good and bad. If we can be strong for others (which I do, too), we can learn to be strong for ourselves. Fish girl gave us some good advice. Let's go for it.

    hi Dopey sorry that your last 6 years have been so misrable and your right us Brits are as touchy and feely as the the Americans though I think it is changing slowly its all to do with that stiff upper lip as you pointed out I love this site as people can exspress there feelings which is wonderful and it sure helps everyone thank you for being so honest about your suffering xxx

    Exercise is the best way to start getting rid of depression.  Start with a 5 minute walk, first thing in the morning (or as soon as you get up) every morning....EVERY morning....without fail.  I know that looks like an overwhelming job but please....just try it.  Each week, increase the time by 5 minutes....then just keep going.  Your depression WILL lift but you are the one who MUST do the work and please...DO IT NOW!!!!!!!    I speak from experience.  I hope this helps.


    Thank you, Ducky, and welcome to the fold. I DO exercise regularly, including at least 30 minutes of treadmill, row, bowflex, followed by 1/2 hour of training. I bowl at least 2x a week. You are right about exercise. I always feel better when I work out. I'll start putting some more time at the gym; I like to swim, and I'll spend more time with the dog!

    Bob, you have a great personality and you are a caring person. I am sure all the problems you had in your life contribute to your depression. I have read all the posts on this site and my heart goes out to all of you who are dealing with this demon. I myself go through it every once in a while, like knitting and crochet projects that remain unfinished. There seems to be something to always to be depressed about.. The best way for me, is not to watch TV for a couple days, go for long walks and meditate.I never take medication, but take Norwegian Salmon Oil 20 grams a day, but dont take it if you are on birthcontrol pills or antidepressants. Junk food also has been linked to depression.and dont drink coffee or Alcohol.. You schould eat salmon, or sardines and walnuts couple times a week.There  is also a new book coming out in November by Dr. Andrew Weil it is called "Spontanous Happiness" that deals with Depression.. He is all about natural Healing with Viamins and Herbs and food. I have most of his books and he is simply amazing. Just want to say thank you for beeing so open and honest and I know we will make it together with Gods help.


    It happened again. This time its 3 Posts. Was not done deliberatly.

    Thank you for your kind answer, Ann. We are quite a group here aren't we! lol
    I think part of my depression is from being alone so much....even my dopey ex-husband has remarried.
    I will be visiting my library tomorrow, and if there are any books left at Borders (if they are still open), I'll be reading Dr. Weil tomorrow night. Also, odd as it may seem to some, when I spend time reading my Bible, life really is less difficult.
    Thank you again, Ann. Your friendship is treasured.

    Bob, you have a great personality and you are a caring person. I am sure all the problems you had in your life contribute to your depression. I have read all the posts on this site and my heart goes out to all of you who are dealing with this demon. I myself go through it every once in a while, like knitting and crochet projects that remain unfinished. There seems to be something to always to be depressed about.. The best way for me, is not to watch TV for a couple days, go for long walks and meditate.I never take medication, but take Norwegian Salmon Oil 20 grams a day, but dont take it if you are on birthcontrol pills or antidepressants. Junk food also has been linked to depression.and dont drink coffee or Alcohol.. You schould eat salmon, or sardines and walnuts couple times a week.There  is also a new book coming out in November by Dr. Andrew Weil it is called "Spontanous Happiness" that deals with Depression.. He is all about natural Healing with Viamins and Herbs and food. I have most of his books and he is simply amazing. Just want to say thank you for beeing so open and honest and I know we will make it together with Gods help.



    lets,hope that things ,will work out for all of us,xxx

    I think it can. You just have to believe...and none of us is alone and one top of that...we can complain away to each other...we are very supportive of one another. It's quite grand actually.

    It's sad to me to think that so many of you are hurting like this. I can't say too much because I'm fortunate not to suffer with sadness or depression for long periods, if at all. I write one full page in my journal every morning allowing me to release a lot of emotion as well as a page in a gratitude journal to remind myself of everything that is good to me. I also get up early every second morning and ride my bike for an hour working up a good sweat and keep busy in my salon and talking and making people feel good throughout the day. I just wish there was something to say that could magically lift all of you out of this. My heart breaks for the sadness I have read in all your stories.I have to say that so many times when the boulders have fallen I have had all of you to turn to for thoughts, prayers and support so I want you to know in return I give you all that I can.


    Your words are a comfort, mom. Thank you.

    Wow,I don't know what more I can add to this after reading all this other than to say I also suffer from depression and have most of my life.


    C/Rick, thankfully, I was able to read what you wrote before you edited it (you did just edit it, didn't you?). Thank you for being so honest about your past (and remember, it IS your PAST). I kinda get how your mom felt; two of my three very much loved sons are facing what you experienced. I am speechless about it. What happened with your brother is a tragedy...
    I started medication one day when I visited my then-doctor to talk about how I was feeling and just sat and cried, cried, cried in the exam'g room. Within a month, my irritability and depression had tapered off. When I tried NOT taking the Lexapro, within ten days, my now-ex husband would notice me "slipping", and ask if I was taking my medication. I'm pretty sure at least part of my problem is a chemical imbalance, but even without that going on, I'm still miserable too much of the time.
    I hope you find a good job very, very soon.

    Yes i did just edit it,you know in todays world it just takes a click to find out about you so i find it best not to make it to easy.And thanks for wishing me well in the job hunt.

    Do you have Dish Network Satellite TV. If so go to channel 287. I try to look once a day . During mid day in USA


    Comcast...Do you the name of the channel?

    Bob just type the number on your remote you should get it then xxx

    i take anti depressants also. sometimes i cry like a baby for hours at a time. usually i try to listen to some upbeat music and i count my blessings one at a time. i also look around and see that i am doing better than some other people. not saying im better or anything like that. you know, but you do have to admit your car looks better than theirs!


    Yes... there is always some poor soul that is worse off.

    Whenever you are feeling down ,remember all the good that has happened in your life ,The mind can only feed from the thoughts that preoccupy it ,develop an attitude that says worry& depression has no available space in my head clean out the drug cabinet, and keep smiling nothing lasts forever



    Thanks for your upbeat answer, cucumber. It is not hard to be aware of the good; it's hard to focus on it. The smiling part is really important for me to develop as a habit. And you are mind is definitely on the wrong diet!!! is the rest of me (:

    Depression is an old friend. I cant remeber not knowing her. I have noticed a cycle. For about a week out of the month i am tragicly down. Now that I noticed that i always feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnle when I feel myself falling. but for that week I am hopeles, helpless, and removed from life.

    I clean my sink in the kitchen. It always helps. It is a tiny thing. But it spreads like wild fire. I get a nice clean sick and just have to move on to the concers and the floor. The kitchen might be the only thing I get done... but i feel better....

    I was with family all last week for my fathers funeral.  I was fine....  But for some reason I could not feel anything I thought I should, no loss, no sorrow. Somethimes I think I am broken.

    For the last 3 days I havent been able to make it out of bed. All things seem so piontless..... But after reading youe question ... I am going to go clean my sink...

    You are not alone!!! I love you!


    That is certainly a familiar story, that one week every month. When I started feeling that way, I knew my period was coming soon. But when it just didn't go away, you finally figure something else is wrong. Getting busy, like you do, is a really good way to get past that immobilizing feeling. (I am starting to sputter into action. Finally).

    Looking back, I probably had low-level depression forever, but after my first son was born, I suffered from post-partum (SP?) depression. I didn't even realize it until I had finally climbed out of the hole (or been spit up, not really sure). Looking back, it seemed obvious (which are too long to detail here). But I found myself pregnant again at about that time (maybe that's what brought me out of it....the hormones changing again). I did tell my then-husband, "If I get like that again, you get me some help!"
    Jenn, take a good look at the calendar. If it is cycle-related, you may be able to find a natural supplement to help you through it. Love you, too

    i hate has taken over too much of my life.

    ....helping others helps me

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