    i am trying hard asking ,answering,commenting and suggesting categories on akaQA but my karma points go up very very slowly. Am i doing something wrong?

    +8  Views: 858 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Do a lot of answering...the questions pop up like weeds.  The more people who become involved with your questions... the more you get to know people and then it's like magic in a way.

    now just keep pluging .. here's a tu just to keep the faith.. are not doing anything wrong.....karma comes and karma really doesn't mean much (it's not like winning the lottery)...just stay with us....we are all human.....sometimes a person will respond to a question and then realize that the prior question that they had answered should have been given a thumbs up....many of us forge ahead, so to just stick around shall get to know us......(:

    I guess you have to look at this sight as a way to help with advice and support rather than Karma being your driving force here.

    Don't try so hard

    I just looked at the first set of your questions.  Many of them look like they are from someone who got here by accident and just asked the question anyway.  Something like, "What is the proper PSI for Goodyear 580 tires?" is not going to get as many responses as the question you have just asked.  It seems the more popular questions are a little more thought-provoking in nature.  Whether or not 5 blades for shaving is a good idea is not going to generate alot of responses or karma points.
    Check out the different categories and enjoy answering questions in a category you like.  I check the reference and math daily, not that I know all that much, but they are fun for me. 
    Your input is very much appreciated.  Some people build karma more quickly because their answers are better and they answer more questions.  Good questions build karma, too, but not nearly as quickly, in my opinion.  People seem to vote up answers indiscreetly, where questions are scrutinezed more closely. 
    My other thought is that you should try to have a good balance of the number of questions and the number of answers you have.  I have nearly 1000 answers but not 100 questions.  I think, and this is just my opinion, that I should have some sort of ratio.   10:1 might be good.  So, that means I have to stop answering questions and start asking them.  That is completely my opinion..there is no rule (is there?) about how many Qs or As you are allowed.
      I've seen a few occasions where one person will answer four times on the same question, when a single but longer answer would suffice.  They are getting 4 or more TU for each answer.  That's 16 x 15 or 240 points for what should have been 60  (4 x 15).  That doesn't sit right with me, but you do what you think is best.  It is karma.

    I just looked at the first set of your questions.  Many of them look like they are from someone who got here by accident and just asked their question.  Something like, "What is the proper PSI for Goodyear 580s?" is not going to get as many responses as the question you have just asked.  It seems the more popular questions are a little more personal in nature.  Whether or not 5 blades for shaving is a good idea is not going to generate alot of response or karma points.
    Check out the different categories, and enjoy answering questions in a category you like.  I love the Science/Math, Education/Reference, and the Social/Society & Culture cats. 
    Remember, you get 15 points per TU. 
    Your input is very much appreciated.   Some people build karma more quickly because their answers are better and they answer more questions.  Good questions build karma, too, but not nearly as quickly, in my opinion.
    You should be enjoying the comraderie, not trying too hard just for points.  They will come. 

    already gave you a bump up.. how about another

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