    what do like about halloween?

    +8  Views: 1031 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    Why do the U.S practice Halloween? belay this comment.

    19 Answers

    The children and their excitement and their costumes. I like to see the imagination of the grown ups, too....

    country bumpkin

    I follow the directions on the box of jell-o but I use alcohol in place of the water. Go to the halloween section at the grocery store and look for decoritive ice trays. I found bats and pumpkins one year. Pour the mixture into the trays till set. Enjoy!

    That sounds simple enough, I'll give it a shot (pun intended,,,). Thanks a heap! Oh, do you bring the alcohol to a boil, too or just stir until dissolved....!
    country bumpkin

    Don't boil.

    Great answer love the pun - you do make me laugh.

    love it too.

    Hey CB can i come and trick or treat at your house. Jello sounds good.
    country bumpkin

    Zorro: I haven't had a jell-o shot in over 5 years. I wouldn't mind a couple.

    I love Halloween!............................It's fantastic!  I love making costumes...over the top costumes.  I love buying the treats...the one's every child loves.  I love carving pumpkins... as many as possible.  I love decorating my house... the scarier (in a cute way) the better.  I love the children coming to the door... I love how my son reacts to the event.  I love how my, "Oh so  very serious" husband has joined in the excitement of it all (He buys me the most gigantic pumpkins and ones in different colours!)... I love the sounds of children running up and down the streets having the best time of their lives...I love making goodie bags...I love the parents smiling at their children and presenting them as the cutest children in the world (which they are of course)....Halloween should be Halloweek!  It is the more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

    country bumpkin

    I think I love you!

    Love your answer,......and yes, it should last a week. SO much fun!!

    Happy spirit you are. Have fun

    You are the same as us! We just love it to bits. Good fun.


     Scarey movies like the evil dead George Romero's zombie movies  ash from evil dead he is really happy!!""


    I Love this movie!!!!! Sam Rami is a great director and Bruce Cambell is great at acting. When his arm gets possessed he realy makes you think that it is !!!! So good I love it .Thanks whovin great choice for halloween!!

    The thrill of waiting for dark, so I can get dressed up and go trick-or-treating door to door,...... and I am in my forties!!!!!!   Of course I don't trick or treat anymore , but I do still feel the thrill for the kids every Halloween day!

    The crisp weather , homemade costumes that people put a lot of thought and effort into making, and jell-o shots!

    country bumpkin

    I forgot to say Candy Apples. Yummy!

    How do you make jello shots? I've always wanted to and only had them once...

    Jello-shots? On Halloween? Like it...............

    Trick or treat, i"ll be there.

    Loving scene of mothers holding the hands of small children in funny costumes to get candy.

    I find it scary - I always think of the film "To kill a Mockingbird". It doesn't seem to be such a big deal these days in the UK but I love to see kids enjoying such things - just great - especially the treat bit but I just know they enjoy the tricks.


    Knowing I get to take my grandkids out as I do every year,but the years are passing by too fast fore I know it won't be long before they won't want to go out any more.But not THIS YEAR,can't wait.


    i go sit with the older folks at the church. they have a bonfire and weinie roast while the kids are going up and down the street. they also have games and stuff inside for the kids. its on king street in yellow springs ohio. they trick or treat the same time as springfield, ohio

    Certainly, as a child, I loved getting all the candy! 
    BUT nothing can compare to the joy of sharing the pumpking carving and making the costumes and the excitement of my children.  Being a Mom at Halloween is my favorite part of Halloween!

    I'm very happy to hear parents with commonsense, thanks Rick.

    it is scary and you get a lot of candy

    smashing pumpkins..

    country bumpkin

    The group or the act?

    actually i like em both..

    It's gotta be the group...Leave my Jack'os alone!

    "" Watch it if you come to my door. Halloween is an American habit not Australian. I'll never open the door...


    That's fine, I won't be trick-or-treating in Australia anyway, "No Worries, Mate"

    No problem that's cool


    It's a celebration!..Open the door!!

    Uless they are are supervised, it seems to me the littlies are a smorgasboard for pedifiles, i think it is a dangerous event.


    They are WAY supervised, not just by me but by every other parent out there. We follow, from a distance, door to door to door......

    glad to hear it , Mich.

    No worries bulletman,at least not with me,I watch out for mine and everyone else's,would'nt let anything happen too the little one's as long as I'm around.Like michmar118 said we'll look out for one another.

    You are right , but if you are careful and stay with your kids it can be alot of fun!!!!!

    Yes, DNanners, it is fun watching the kids interact with the homeowners and candy-givers! Love it when THEY dress up and and give a little scare to the kids. Makes it more fun for everyone, and the candle-lit hollowed out pumpkins with frightening faces, and the scary music blaring from some houses........

    i love the smell of burning leaves and fireplaces along with the chill in the air around halloween. and of course seeing the kids all dressed up and running through the crispy leaves.since mine are all grown up its watching others have a good time


    Absolutely! Love that smell, too.

    I love it !!! I never buy store bought costumes the best are the ones that you make with stuff from the Good Will or Moms makeup !!But you have to go and get gory wax noses and teeth WEEEEEE lots of fun


    That's the heart of it!

    The candy companies benefit, plus the discount sales after halloween of candies,  love those kit kat bars

    Bats, spiders, toffee apples and going out with the Grandkids dressed up! GREAT.

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