    when you were a child did you have pets

    +10  Views: 782 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Since I lived on a farm until I was 6 years old, yes I had Cats , dog named Barry. Then when we lived in Germany on a farm I had a cat named Molly who used to come every night and knock on my window and spent the night with me. We were not allowed to keep cats  in our apartment. So he left every morning through the window.


    Ah Ann you were so lucky and I like the bit of the cat sleeping with you and leaving in the morning sounds like what I would have done xx

    Love your story Ann.

    I just curouse as my parents never let me have any animal we did have budgie called Freddie!

    G'day Melanie, i had a dog called TRAMP as he look like Tramp in disny's Lady and the Tramp, a blue budgie  named Peter, a pet Australorp Rooster named Charlie nad a tortoise called Kent but i have had dogs all my life.


    Hi bullitman I bet your tramp was gorguse as you say if she looked like the lady and the tramp I can see her now! and rooster I bet that was interesting they say they make good pets! thanks for all that info on your pets xxx

    We lived out in the country so had lots of animals, but our pet was Brownie, a wonderful shepherd mix. Whenever we went away, Brownie would go about 1000 feet down the road, lay in the center of the road and wait for us to return. When the occasional car came along she wandered to the side until it passed then back to the center. A constant companion to us kids.


    Flip you were blessed with your dog called brownie they are such wonderful animals thank you for sharing that xxx

    A dog (corgi) called Toni, a cat called Sooty & a Budgie called Peter. 


    thanks Mazyou were another lucky boy! xxx

    There  was always cats and dogs in the home, when I was growing up, and I as child  I made sure of that,. As we lived in country village, there was often strays, dogs or cats. After school, I used to check the village, for strays, and if I found any, took them home. My Mom used to be mad with me, as we already had enough, so when I went to school next day, Mom, would let strays out again. I never gave up, would go and look for them, and back home with them lol. In end my parents gave in, and I could keep my pets. My best friend, was a Collie, named Shep. I had a mishap, and could not see for about one month, Shep was my guide, holding his tail. He only ever made one mistake,  he went under the table, and bang, Poor little  me lol. He even learned how to skip. Ya Ya, With one end of roap tied to a  gate, and me winding it at other end, Shep soon picked up what to do .             . Thoes were great times.


    dollybird its sounds like a idealic childhood how lucky you were thank you for all that lovely info xxx

    i had a cat and a bird. the bird was tweety he dropped dead. i think the cat jumped at him, been so long ago i am not sure.


    ah that was nice you know what they say about cats and birds! Thank you xxx

    The parents had three Purebred Boxer dogs, They where great runners.


    three boxers wow they are nice dogs they always look like they are laughing you are so lucky! thank you xxx

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