    why do i urinate so often?

    +1  Views: 703 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Are you male or female? Could be prostate problem if you are male.see Dr. for Blood test for PSA, (Prostate Specific Antigen level) which is raised should there be a problem. Also routine urinalysis - shows protein. sugar, Ph level. ketones, blood, nitrates and white cells.This can all be done with a dipstick into urine. Usually there will be pain when you micturate if you have an infection (dysuria). - Your Doctor will send a sample of your urine to the laboratory for testing as this is the best guide to genito-urinary problems as it will include microscopic examination if he feels this to be necessary. 


    Hello Dopey. Your answer is the only sensible one and a visit to an urologist is the best course to take. We shouldn't play doctors on this site.

    Hello west-bus thank you I try to avoid the medical questions - as I have a lot of experience. Middlemar once said I should ask more medical questions but do not as you say we shouldn't play Doctors on this site - answer the ones which I hope will be helpful but generally they are ignored by the person who poses the question like the question on Lordosis and of course those who are who are suffering from the complain or find it too complicated don't bother with it - I understand - try to make answers when I do just as simple as possible and like you have said get them referred to the right person. I would have gone on to say pelvic floor exercises if the person is female - women who have children do these as I am sure you know after childbirth as the pelvic floor muscles get weaker and of course in the elderly ladies - but I've peed my pants from laughing with my friends in my twenties. So good to talk with you and oh that cat just too cute and gentle.

    It might be nerves or excitement, otherwise it may be a urinary tract infection such as cystitis, its nothing serious and antibiotics will fix it up

    Or it might be you're drinking lots of fluids

    I tend to urinate more when its cold.

    must be the beer.

    must be the beer.

    Maybe it is that you`re drinking a lot of fluids which is good....but you could always get a urine test to check for protein in your urine indicateds infection and sugar in your urine....and a blood sugar test..just where they take a drop of blood from your finer to check your blood sugar levels...just in the back of my mind is that what is called polydipsia(DRINKING A LOT AND ALWAYS BEING THIRSTY)...along with POLYURIA(urinating a lot)....Can be  a sign of DIABETES!...Don`t may be nothing of the kind..but I`d get your urine tested??!

    Good Luck,all the best ,Millie xx

    must be the beer.

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