    Iam developing a frienship wih a man who is 14 years older than me and seems that it may be starting to develop into more than a platonic question.The problem is that he lives quite far away. He wants meto come and seehim and he said he'd send me money for a bus ticket. Should i go?

    +8  Views: 843 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    sk girl, How well do you know this man, is he, who he says he is, have you seen him on camera ? Do you feel you can trust him ? Would it not be better idea, he visit you, let him book into Motel/Hotel. Think it would be good idea, you meet him in your area, where you know.  Get to know him more in person.

    Bugger the bus.Tell him to lash out on a plane ticket or forget it!

    Lol This is toooooooooo funny !!!!!!!!!!!  A long bus ride you have got to be kidding me !!!!!!!!!!!!!  And then there is the return trip as well . Do as you wish or what ever common sense says is prudent . All meetings are on your home ground ,where you are secure . Public places only !!!!!!! Never at your home !!!!!!!!!!!!!! He can take the bus as well fair for one fair for both .

    I don't think it's a good idea.  There are a lot of unusual people out there...He needs to put in the effort.  He should be wooing for goodness sakes...Bus ride?  I don't think so.  I am Canadian...there is no getting on a bus for me... bad things happen on buses.  I am surprised Grey Hound is still in business... nothing wrong with the company ...  that's another story...


    Hey Canuck, Out of town students use Greyhound as a cheap way of asking dad for more money face to face.
    Believe me, I know, :)

    Sorry Digger...I had a few bad experiences when I was a student and there was something that happened on a Greyhound last year that has solidified my opinion.

    Fish girl I agree with Peoplelover - so gentle of you to say "unusual" he is right - weird.

    14 years apart is no problem if you're 40.  You sound like you're barely 14.

    My advice:  PUNT!

    I hope that he's older than 32 but should be at least 40 for starters. How far is far away? It doesn't matter.  Under no circumstance should YOU do the traveling. I don't care how convincing an argument he presents you. No way. Capish ?

    In another question you mentioned you are 46 and he is 60. What have you done to verify he is of good character? Could someone possibly go with you for this first meeting? I think you should "check him out" first.

    everyone has said dont go but if you insist on going tell him that you have to becareful out there ect and then susjest that you would see him with a freind of yours as a safe gard against anything that could happen if he is for real he will understand this and except the idea

    Have you met this guy personally or off the net, if it's the latter forget it, a youg girl here in Adelaide was corrosponding over the net to a supposed young guy who in fact was in his late forties, they arranged to meet. the girl was found later raped and murdered, the guy was found and arrested, this happened only last year. -- if you do know him personally, go but take a friend with you.

    Unless you know him well, otherwise don't go to his place.  You can counter suggest him to come to your place.

    DON'T GO !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why cant he come to see you? I would not go, because he can tell you anything over the internet. He may not even be 60 years old either. If he cant leave his state or area he may be on probation or god forbid, be a sex offender. Dont go.,. Make him come to see you if he is serious. and meet him in a public place.Sorry to be so negative. There are too many stories out there that ended in a bad way.

    All good advice,particularly the how old are you parts.

    Did you meet in a chat room, if so forget it most people who use chat rooms, there are rare exceptions so don`t start hounding me, are either desperate or preaditors seeking out the desperate..

    This is not from personal experience as I am not and never have been desperate, but from experiences of acquaintences.

    FISH GIRL love your "lot of unusual people out there" "Unusual?" weird is more like it.


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