    Why are some people so self righteous that the only thing they can see is the splinter in your eye and not the log in thier own??

    +7  Views: 960 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Excellent question! Really calls for some serious thought from me. THANK YOU, DNanners!

    DNanners - they have tunnel vision or should I say have their focus on something else.

    11 Answers

    It is easier to place the blame elsewhere than to admit you have a fault yourself......

    Because it is easier to piont a finger than to accept that you may be wrong.


    If you point a finger at someone three more are pointed back at your self. Try it!

    YEs I know.. I went to a church whos pastors said that all the time.. It got so irritated.. HE thought it was the most clever thing he ever said...

    I have been dealing with something like this for the past year.  The other day I decided that it is the time for a 'Time Out'.  I am waiting to see what will happen next.

    I do understand what you are saying.

    They want the world to be a better place for themselves to live in! 
    Actually, I'm not sure why some people think the bathroom always smells like roses after they've visited.  My initial thought is that there is not much depth to their characters.  It seems that only a very superficial person would not scrutinize his effect on his surroundings, especially those with whom he interacts.   If you think about those people, you'll possibly find they have only superficial relationships.  Pity the pious.  

    We  read this verse today in church. I love the Lords church.


    tsk! I thought nanners had made that up.

    lack of self esteem as well as self worth, nobody wants to take responcibility for their actions, nor admit failure. when in fact when we see what we think is wrong in some one else"s life  we should inventory our own..

    Some people always want to be right - difficult your heart tells you one thing and your head another. In love we must be willing to give up certain destructive characteristics one of them - the need to always be right.

    I have to wonder if someone so judgemental isn't the one trying to take the attention away from his\her own guilt of wrong doings. It's like an ex smoker...suddenly anyone that smokes is the dirtiest person going. Every one of us is guilty of sitting in the judges seat and at times not even realizing that we're doing it. Maybe in the moment it makes him/her feel like they are above someone else and by doing so is the only way they can have that false feeling. Maybe it comes from being on the other end of the stick at a time when he/she was incapable of defending themselves and it has now become a defense mechanism. Maybe you the judged makes the person feel insecure so he/she will pull you down to the level they are feeling themselves.I guess the answers virtually sit in why we ourselves do it at times.


    Good answer mom And you know some folk don"t stop and think before they judge ,that if they don"t watch out they could end up in the same seat you know what comes around goes around..

    Hi (Itsmee): I read your comment under my answer above and it got me to thinking about some of the  more popular verses in the Bible. I was reminded of a song by the BYRDS, it is titled "To Everything There Is A Season" Do you know that this song is almost word for word from the book of Ecclesiastics in the Bible? This was a very popular song back in its day -  a classic. I   think it's cool that a bunch of people who may not be familiar with the Bible  have learned to sing some of the verses in the Bible and don't  know  it.


    Yes it is almost word for word! Isn"t that great. I Love that song!

    Wow. It's harder to look at our own shortcomings.

    Some people always want to be right - difficult your heart tells you one thing and your head another. In love we must be willing to give up certain destructive characteristics one of them - the need to always be right.

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