    Have you heard? Vice President Biden says, "Blame Obama, not Bush."

    Vice President Joe Biden acknowledges that it’s time to hold the Obama administration’s feet to the fire for the sorry state of the U.S. economy instead of continuing to blame President George W. Bush.

    “Right now, understandably — totally legitimate — this is a referendum on Obama and Biden and the nature of the state of the economy,” Biden said during an interview with South Florida public radio station WLRN this afternoon.

    Biden made the startling comment during an interview in which his main goal was to pitch for support of President Barack Obama’s American Jobs Act.

    The vice president dismissed polls in which people continue to blame the Bush administration for the economy.

    “Even though 50-some percent of the American people think that the economy tanked because of the last administration, that’s not relevant,” Biden said. “What’s relevant is we’re in charge. And right now we are the ones in charge and it’s gotten better, but it hasn’t gotten good enough.”

    “I don’t blame them for being mad. We’re in charge,” Biden acknowledged.

    Read more on Biden: It's Time to Blame Obama, Not Bush, for Economy


    +6  Views: 1271 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: obama biden

    4 Answers

    Yeah, I heard it, but does it REALLY MATTER what Joe Biden says anymore?

    Well, I didn't read or hear this, but I imagine he was being honest. It's been three years and things aren't exactly rosy. However, I do think that you still need to, at least , understand that the problems we have were a direct result of decisions made by Bush. As a consequence, we're talking about troubles that are hugh and seem to be virtually insurmountable. Also, there are more than one or two problems. It was two wars, the drug entitlement program ( the largest and most expensive entitlement at the time) no child left behind, the housing bubble, a hugh tax cut with no corresponding cuts in programs to off set cost, the banking fiasco and wall street. I don't think that three years was enough time to straighten this mess out. But, there does come a time during an administration when you are ahead or behind the game, when you can no longer blame the other guy, at least , not completely. I think that the primary trouble now is that there is no center in the legislature to compromise, just ideologues that refuse to debate the issues, but thats another topic.

    I kind of laugh out loud with the Blame Bush theory. Of course, he's not off the hook on it at all. It falls back quite some time with previous administrations. This is why the theory of the " Career Politicians" came about and people have started to wake up. 

    This is precisely where politics begins ... with all there past records of speech making and votes. For instance... John Kerry, " I voted against it before I voted for it " . Sound bites like this keep them at bay, I guess. At least quiet them down for awhile.

    Biden is quite a handful when and where ever he speaks. The latest one for him that I heard, was him talking politics to 4th graders. Like they understand politics and budgets. My Governor Sandoval,  here in Nevada has been seen on tv reading childrens books to elementary students. We have almost a 14 % unemployment rate here, and since his election, that's about the jist of it.

    The Truth is Obama probaly  wishes Biden would just not talk anymore.......And he wonders what he saw in him  4 years ago...........

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