    How do you view the separation of parents form their children because they are immigrants?!? :)

    +3  Views: 657 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    I think every child needs thier parents.

    Parental love cannot be substituted.  Hope they can be united someday somewhere.

    imigrants or not every kid needs their mom and dad to create a stable family enviorment , otherwise it creates havoc for all, the kids ,the parents as well as the community.

    I know many parents (present wife included) that are separated from their children because of their need to go abroad to support their families. In most cases the extended family takes over caring for the children. In return for the sacrifice the parent makes, the rest of the family get to live in a much better environment with the hope of a future they never would have had otherwise.

    If this was not the type situation you were asking, I do apologize.     

    It must surely be a childs international right to remain with their parents?

    I agree with Jenn. The bond between a parent and child is essential.

    When families decide to move sometimes separation may be necessary for a limited time.

    No one should be separating families unless the children are in grave danger .

    Are you asking about legal immigrants or illegal immigrants?


    good question. I would think if illegals are being deported, there would be an option of changing childrens citizenship status to certificate of life. This would end any complications of family separation.

    It's not immigrants we talking here but illegals, they know the consequences before they arrive, i have no pity for them.

    Appalling - yes I believe it is a human right to be with your parents.

    We do not have to separate them.... They can all go back to mexico togather.......

    If you're illegal you deserve it, go home with your parents, I'd shove you all on the first flight home. If you are an immigrant, you need your parents. Why were you separated in the first place?

    If the parents are deported and don't take their kids than the parents are s**tbags. Take them all back to where they came from. When my family migrated here they did it the legal way.

    This is something that should be considered by the parents. I would assume you are speaking of illegal aliens. I am certain that most illegals who have children in America are taking advantage of the 14 amendment law, making the child a U.S. citizen. It is then that they will rely on sympathetic supporters to allow them to remain and given the parents amnesty.

    However, this is not the case. Crossing illegally over the border was their choice and theirs alone. They new the risks involved and it was their responsibility and not the American peoples to resolve any issue with the children they produced while illegally in this country. If they are deported, we should re-evaluate the status of the children and exchange a U.S. birth certificate for a "Certificate of Life", and allow the child their true heritage with the parents.

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