    Come on people be truthfully here; Have you ever in your life tried a threesome or wish you did. ?

    +2  Views: 1297 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    Messenger, you've been asking a couple of initimate questions the past couple of days. Would you mind answering THIS question for us, pleeeeeeeeeeze?

    These types of questions are no longer allowed on akaQA. Because this question is a year old, I will leave it. It is locked to further comments.

    21 Answers

    yes and yes, A girl that both me and my brother know for years, once told us that she wanted both me and my brother and her at the same time. I must say it was very good sex and  funny at the same time. We did this many times, many years ago.  I also have had a 3 way with me and 2 females a few times.   


    A few times? Damn, I'm jealous. :(

    You've heard the senior (top) members, messenger. No more intimate sex questions. You need to find an adult forum for those. Please respect the wishes of the members. Thank you.


    BRAVO Colleen, I agree with your comment. Gotta go with the answers of the 'TOP DOGS'

    Oh, I can just imagine some of the stories YOU could tell us Miss Colleen. :o

    No stories. I'm a one woman woman. I have no need for more than one woman in my bed and she has to be one that I'm in love with.

    thank you Colleen for your imput! xxx

    I'm not that hard to understand. I'm open and straight forward. I am who I am on screen and in life.

    Yes and yes... Why are you interested in our sex lives? This is not a sex site. So i have to question how this is a valid question... Please explain....


    Excellent, Jenn

    Big fat NO here.


    Good answer fish girl - keep it that way. yvonne57

    Well, it looks like I'm the icebreaker on this one.  Truthfully, NO.  Do I wish I had, or will?  Maybe, but it is going to be me with two guys and I am going to be the center of attention.
    I guarantee they will both leave the experience completely satisfied.
    I think you should answer this question, too, Messenger!



    Put me down as a starter Bob/PKB so now just get that second bloke, Hey Tommy are you up for it?

    This question is not appropriate ,take it to a sex chat site, and i'm sure your curiosity will be satisfied.

    Has never happened to me that I know of but my memory is not what it used to be.

    Must confess I have "wished upon a star"


    Oh PEOPLELOVER, I think you are such a grand man.

    several times.. on the golf cource you cant always find a fourth player..


    LMHO! I think your answer may have gone whizzing over some heads who have set their brains on answering the next question. Hilarious, daren.

    I agree with the "NO' people. Not an appropiate question on this site.

    Yes and yes... Why are you interested in our sex lives? This is not a sex site. So i have to question how this is a valid question... Please explain....

    I  wish questions like this would be deleted by management. We talk about intimate issues of our families and of our pain.  When I see questions (and answers) like these, it makes me think I might be better off somewhere else.

    If you wrote or answered the question, please be assured that most of us have had these thoughts, we just don't say them.  


    Love you girl... I have know idea why the question was asked, I try to concider all possiblities... guilt, curiosity, morality, perversoin... so I did answer on the off chance it was a genuine question that needed a geniuine answer.
    I have no shame. I love who I am and would not be the person I am if I had not lived it the way I did. Lessons learned....

    <3 : )) Sweet Girl.

    Sorry itsmee, this question does not break any of the rules here. The members have spoken and messenger has been asked to respect the wishes of the members. The question stays.

    I regret saying what I said.

    Wife and I went skinny dipping with another couple. Does that count? 


    Skinny dipping is nice clean fun.

    no! i would not disrespect my husband or myself like that

    When I was 18 and in Navy Boot Camp at Great Lakes Illinois, me and a buddy of mine TAG TEAMED a hooker.

    That was only so we could bring the price down.

    Other than that, my "threesome" dream (two women and myself) has never come true.  :(

    I don't consider myself to be a prostitute. Only minds like prostitutes do things like that.


    touche! I've been accused of many things and called many more.....this is a first. The nice thing about this site is we all have an opinion and generally respect those that differ from our own. This is no exception for me.

    LOL ... dont prostitutes get paid???

    I want to give tums up, but they dont seem to register, ??


    Push the thumb hard. Do it over and over. It will probably work. : )
    So far I've pressed 4 times .... There goes the thumb up.

    Thanks itsmee, Think there was some thing wrong with my link to the site, because I got error warnings, Its ok now, couple of hours later, I have just come back.

    Hi itsmee and Dolly, watch pushing the thumb too much, it might catch you in a TD. Mine fade when I TU someone. yvonne

    I  Often think about it when i look into a mirror,


    Occasionally that same activity is a real thought stopper to me.

    No and no.


    I respect that thanks.

    Yes I have..  with females (I want to make that clear) So, what of it?? The more the merrier!!

    I love cars but I could not drive two at the same time. My wife and I are as one and need no other.

    Only when playing Spades or Hearts

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