    what are the types of love the is reference in the Bible?

    0  Views: 349 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    There is a Greek word, phileo, that means brotherly love. This is the kind of love that is based on common interests, common goals, or personalities that just seem to get along well.

    Then, there is another Greek word, eros, for self-gratifying "love." Eros is focused on one's self and what it can get, often in terms of pleasure. It cares nothing for others because it is too busy using others and taking advantage of them--although it may impersonate affection to get what it wants. It often may even fool the person displaying eros into thinking that the eros is actually true love. This type of "love" gives many people a very warped view of sex.

    The Greek word, storge, refers to the kind of love that occurs naturally between family members, which is a good gift from God. It is that powerful love that sweeps over a mother when she gives birth. It is the love between brothers and sisters. God built natural affection into every person just as He put a conscience in every person. The word, storge, is never used in the Bible, but astorgos, without natural affection, is mentioned twice. Some are so evil that they even lack natural affection for members of their own family, their parents, spouse, siblings, or children. This is not how they were created, however.

    The type of love that we are most concerned with is the supernatural love. This is the love that God is. This love goes beyond natural affection. You were created to literally flow with this kind of love in mighty, flowing streams as you tap into the all-powerful Source of this love. This love is available only through Christ who reconciles us to the almighty God who created all things. The Greek word for the supernatural kind of love is agape.

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