    why is life not how you want it sometimes? someonePLEASEanswer me??????????????????

    -1  Views: 791 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    Breathe... as simple as this sounds it gives you time to process.

    One important lesson I learned a very long time ago is that the world does not revolve around me. 
    There are other people in the world. 
    You aren't that special in anyone's eyes but your own (no offense).
    You aren't in charge.
    These four reasons are a good start.
    Your job is to figure out why you aren't getting what you want from life...also, is what you want beneficial to others or just to you?  Are you being reasonable and rational in your desires?  Do you have to depend on someone else to give you what you want or are you capable of reaching your goal without help?

    Aroshh....I saw an answer you gave earlier to someone who was posting a question concerning something to do with life and you gave a real intelligent answer to that person and I know that you are young but I though how smart you were with that answer.  I believe my answer to that same question was that life was what you made it......getting what you want has a lot more to do with just dreaming or wishing for're smart enough to know must roll with the punches....stay in school....get a good education and job and take it from there...don't wish for too much too soon as it does not work that way. If you keep your nose clean and apply it to the grindstone so to speak then you will get somewhere.....I know this is easier said than done and it's really tough when you're young to be patient and accept things as they come......wish I would've had someone to give me advice like this when I was'll be fine....take each day as it comes and thank goodness for good health ...(:

    Grow up and welcome to the real world no one gets what they want even 1/4 of the time much less all of the time.

    There are lessons around every corner of life no matter what the situation is. The times that we think are the worst each teach us something about our integrity, strengthand ability to work through it.It's very hard at times but thats what shapes us. 

    I believe we have problems in life because we that's how we individually and personally learn and grow.  Like having delays or small children helps us develop patience until those kinds of things don't bother you so much anymore. You learn to cope and mature. There will always be problems in this life because we have not reached perfection and therefore always have something to learn from and improve ourselves upon.  Look at problematic situations as learning a lesson, take something from it you can use and move on!  Don't dwell, 'cause then you're stagnant and not growing. Only making yourself suffer without anything to show for it.  ;-]

    I believe we have problems in life because we that's how we individually and personally learn and grow.  Like having delays or small children helps us develop patience until those kinds of things don't bother you so much anymore. You learn to cope and mature. There will always be problems in this life because we have not reached perfection and therefore always have something to learn from and improve ourselves upon.  Look at problematic situations as learning a lesson, take something from it you can use and move on!  Don't dwell, 'cause then you're stagnant and not growing. Only making yourself suffer without anything to show for it.  ;-]


    Sorry..........posted it twice somehow. Hey, maybe this is my opportunity to retrace my steps in having done this and LEARN from it! lol

    or get double thumbs

    Why do i feel like saying  yuo yuo here


    It's highly confusing...that's why.

    Can you handle the truth..?

    The world turns on and on... people hate and love but not in that order......

    I can't remember ever when life was just what I wanted, but that's what makes life a venture.

    If life was what I wanted I wouldn't have 8' of surgical scars to show


    dont laugh at yourself its not funny what do u mean by make life a venture?
    Headless Man

    If everything was just what we wanted we would be bored ups and downs keep you trying to improve yourself and help the less fortunate.
    It's not funny that's why I laugh you either laugh or you will cry.

    messenger what are you trying to tell me???? im curious like curious geogrg  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHhahahahyahahahahah


    I hear you my friend. No disrespect.
    that true mom no lie

    thank messenger for agreeing with me.

    FYI i could handle the truth OK.

    ole hipster thanks for saying that to me your the best and  i do this because i just want to say something that gives you the whole point. Aroshh

    it was just a question OK just  stick with the program or get OUT OF THE COOLADE.

    for your FYI i have growed up i was just saying that the situation on jersey shore said not to hate on chaz bono dont speak JIBERISH to dari13.

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