    are you going to marry the mother of your son even if you dont love her?

    +2  Views: 911 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    i guess colleen do not understand the situation...youve got it riight bumpkin..actually.,thats me, im living with the girl whom i met for a day and came back after two months tellin me that hey...i bearing  your son in my womb...with her family at her a man.,i accepted my responsibility,and decided to live with her in the same roof... sadly,  were living for two years without love...all i feel about here is mercy, mercy that she ask for whenener i decided to end our relationship.....she's begging just for the sake of our son.,just for the sake of our family. isn't its  really a doom life, how could i move could i?where should i start if i cant even resist to give chance because of mercy....


    Well see, more of the story helps. I still say, make sure your name is on the birth certificate, make sure you pay child support, make sure you cover 1/2 of what child support does not cover, make sure you get visitation and move out. What you are doing is not for the sake of the child, it is for the sake of her who allowed herself to get pregnant outside of wedlock. Your son will sense the lack of love in this "family" created by mistake. He deserves better. You both need to go find partners who love you and whom you can love in return. Your son will be better off because of it. You just need to stay in his life and maintain shared custody.

    This sounds like a bunch of excuses. You just moved right in because someone said you are the father? If you had sex with someone you met for one day, what makes you think 47 other guys didn't do the same thing. Get real. TWO MONTHS and she knows you are the dad and she's having a son? C'mon. This sounds like a deleted scene from Deliverance.

    What a good question.  My answer would be NO, yet I am very concerned about my child.   More work and effort need to be done for your son for sure.

    Why marry? He should just make sure his name is on the birth certificate and he pays child support and 1/2 of education and health insurance. Why make the kid suffer in a home where mommy and daddy do not love each other?

    My advice is no. As Colleen said above, the child will be the one that ends up suffering the most with two parents under the same roof  whom don't love each other. ( You did say all this - right Colleen?)


    but are we not going to consider the child? i afraid he wil grew up without a mom and dad which he will call family.

    Yes I said all that C.B.

    @ sonny, I am considering the child.
    Why would he grow up without a mom or a dad that is not his own? Is the mom considering putting the baby up for adoption? The dad could go to court for sole custody if that is the case.
    country bumpkin

    The child was my only consideration when I answered your question. If two parents are living under the same roof and they are not in love with each other then this child will eventually know. Your child will grow up with no sense or knowledge of how a family is supposed to live and love and treat one another. Children are like sponges. They soak up everything their parents say and do. If your child watches you guys everyday and yall never hug or kiss or tell each other how much you love one another, or you constantly argue then He/she will carry all of this into adulthood. He will think it is normal for parents to argue and show no affection and in return he/she will more than likely be in the same kind of relationship when he/she grows up. Do you want this unhealthy cycle to be passed down and continued by your own flesh and blood? I know it is difficult to to figure out custody issues but at least the two of you (parents) can move ahead and fall in love with other people and let your child see what it is really like to have parents who are in love with their spouse.

    I didn't.....

    If I did, my wife would KILL ME!

    country bumpkin

    LOL- Too funny!

    You do not marry someone you don't love for the sake of your child. 
    Has a paternity test been done to confirm that you are the father???
    You have a human right to a life filled with love and joy; whether or not you experience it remains to be seen.
    You are using 'mercy" as an excuse to NOT man up.  Stop being a "martyr" and get your own place.  You can continue to have a relationship with this woman (as the mother of your son), and your child. Perhaps you will even become the custodial parent????

    I firmly believe the worst thing you can do for a child is to stay in a loveless relationship.  The child(ren) grow up thinking that this is normal and what a relationship is supposed to be.  DO you really want that for your child's future? If not, don't make it his present.

    No I think that Love should be the only reson that folk get married! Otherwise lots of folk suffer and the child is at the top of that list!!! I am the first one to say get married because of my beliefs but I cansay with experiance that that is not always the best answer. In the Bible god told Abraham to let his maiden go into the desert and I think that is where some of the generations come from like the Irianians and so forth . So I think that tells us the best thing to do is not to make babies out of wedlock.


    but the question right now is about the baby, the son is already cant just kill him or abort him and say son not now ,im sorry...helloOOO?

    helloOOO, you are asking if you should marry someone you do not love and create a dysfunctional family for your alleged son. DNanners is telling you NO and backing up the position.

    you need a dna test before you sign anything. who say you the dad, her? after what i understand to be a one night stand.  wake up my brother and take care of business

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