    why people need love

    +2  Views: 736 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    Love makes the world go round, or so its said.

    12 Answers

    To understand to flourish to give, forgive and accept.

    to grow spiritualy..

    God made us that way. Without the capability to experience it or receive it, we are no more evolved than bacteria.

    To remind us of God's love. Without love, we'd have nothing to believe in.

    Because thats what makes the "World go around what world do you come from no love no family NO YOU. If your mum did"nt love you would"nt be here does that answer your Question.

    we need to care about and love one another. without love the world would be in total chaos. each  person for theirself.

    It is the same if you will ask why people need to be a life

    to make you feel alive

    Why people need love is a really good question....
    Some people get their self-worth from whether or not they are loved.
    Some people are more energetic, cheerful, and productive when they are sharing a love relationship.  There is someone to share your good times and to comfort you when things get rough. 
    Some people become depressed, lethargic, and melancholy when there is no love in their lives.  The feeling that no one loves or cares can trigger suicide in some people.
    They may feel there is no purpose for them to be because no one cares. 
    People can be alone and be "OK".  When people are lonely, it's not "OK" (I don't like being lonely.)  When there is no love, lonely can happen.
    I think when a person has love, there are chemical reactions in their bodies that produce
    Some people are mixed up about what love is, so it's a good idea for you to have an idea of what you think love is.  It's a little different for everybody. 

    God is the source of love.  Love is a many splendid thing.  Everybody likes it.  Without love, we are living in darkness. 

    people need people, they need that connection. We are sexual being, we are made this way. If we were not, we'd be asexual.

    nothing more than we were made to be like this i wouldnt wanna be alone for the rest of my life

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