    Do you know what a Jew is?

    some good doers show up at my door, asking me to go to their new church, held in the old funeral home in town. I told them I was Jewish, thinking this will end their visit. How wrong I was! The lady questioned me, your not a Christian? You don't believe in Jesus?

    I answered Lady I'm a Jew. It didn't take long for me to understand this lady did not know what a Jew is. She did not know they do not believe Jesus is the son of God, that they are not Christians. She was completely lost. How did she live 50+ years and not know a Jew? She claims to know the Bible, well the Bible is full of Jews!

    This woman was horrified  at my answers. The look on her face! She was with ten other women. They looked like they were going to stone me! I explained, I believe in the Old Testament. I pray to the same God Jesus prayed to. He didn't pray to himself.

    I was so floored I couldn't help the last comment. Anyone to tell me they didn't know what a Jew was, and they are praying to one! I gotta move!

    +6  Views: 649 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Hahahaha, that's funny. Proof yet again how religion does not help the masses. People all over this world are completely confused when it comes to God because they do not open their minds and learn and read all that is out there. Geez, I bet those women have never even read their book yet think they can go around "saving people" One can not just pick a religion, claim the title of the religion and then set about trying to save others.  Religion should be about self and only self, not what your neighbors need according to your opinion and view point.


    You are so right Colleen, I'm still laughing. It's not funny, yes it is. It's also very sad. This woman is totally lost! I hope they don't stone my house! There are some strange cookies in this town.

    WOW What a story.I purchased a small sign in the hardware store for a few dollars NO SOLICATING-and-BEWARE OF DOG. has worked fine for the last 10 years.Good luck Daisy,I believe this is a cheaper & easier alternative to moving.

    metal face

    Closed minds blissful in a closed world...

    I have two beware of dog signs up,and no trespassing.I also have a big mean dog who is a man hater. She won't even bark at a woman.
    I'm not sure after talking to her she could read the signs well enough to understand them.
    Thank God I home schooled my son!
    I feel like I have been visited by the Twilight Zone!
    metal face

    Truth is stranger than fiction.I side with Colleen.If someone wishes to worship a pile of manure they have the right. Just don't tell me why I should too.Burns me up sometimes.

    Your are both so right!
    metal face

    Hope your day improves!

     to Daisy,  What does home-schooling your children have to do with your question:  What's a Jew?


    There is only one school here. I have met several generations of people that were educated there, some still going there. I'm not impressed. The school system here is in trouble with the state, their scores are way down. The kids lack the desire to learn, the teachers have no passion to teach. You should inspire a kid to learn. I was thrilled to go to the library when I was a kid. The library here is empty,maybe 5 people a day will show up. Usually people who moved here from somewhere else.
    There was a write up in our paper, the sheriff department deputies could not read or write well enough to pass the GED test. They have high school diplomas. I do not know how they came by this information.
    The reason I said home school. They taught Bible when this lady went to school. Everyone had to take it. I did. How she went through school and didn't learn anything. Went to church and didn't learn anything, but out there pushing the word of Jesus Christ, and not know he was a Jew? She was just repeating what she heard others say. You can't lead someone to water if you don't know where the lake is!
    I have higher goals, I am a educated woman. I expect more. No,I demand more.
    Before we moved here, my child went to an excellent public school. I couldn't keep up! It was wonderful, he learn so much. He was excited to go to school.
    I bad mouth the system here. It's destroying lives. These kids will never score higher than a 300 on their SAT's.
    I see people, men, women, and children, like this woman everyday. I put my son in school here, that lasted a couple of months. My son knew more than his teaches. It's time to pull him out. They had nothing to teach. I taught him. It wasn't easy. It was hard on me and him. He couldn't play in sports. Not that this school offered anything but basketball. He missed out on friends and hanging out.
    I know my son will never knock on a door pushing a product he knows nothing about.

    Daisy, Thank you for your answer. I would have done the same for my daughter. TU

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