    is there such a thing as privacy with social media such as facebook?

    +2  Views: 876 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    There's a newsletter that you can sign up for at "Kim Komando".com. She is pretty cool with her knowledge on Security. Sign up for the weekly Newsletter and go to the "Security" section. She will answer questions on email for you too. Read it and find out how.

    Yeah stay off FB and keep your private matters to yourself, that's about the only way I know.

    6 Answers

    I have to laugh and shake my head.  We really don't have much privacy in any way, shape, or form at this point in time.  Why would you think Facebook would offer you any?  There are ways to limit access and information, but unrest assured, there are millions of entities that have full access to you. 
    I'm studying to be a tax preparer and it is positively scary how little privacy we have anymore.

    There is no such thing as complete privacy on the internet. If you are writting any emails or chats that may be interpreted as sedition instead of public opinion.. it won't be private for long. You know........... Big Brother!

    You may as well be screaming your personal life out of a window with a bullhorn. Privacy on line, non existent.

    Yes, you just have to go into your profile and turn on the privacy settings. If you do not know how to do that, you should not be on Facebook.


    coleen you are a bit harsh in saying 'you s/n/be on face book'.

    Why? If you can not figure out how to set your security, you s/n/b on facebook because you are vulnerable to hackers without the securities. If a person has an account, it is their responsibility to learn how to use Facebook. I figured it all out on my own yet I see 20 people a day come here asking how to "work" Facebook. Don't use Facebook if you can't figure it out.

    I agree with Bob/PKB.   There seems to be little privacy anywhere these days.  I also think that "we think" that we have the answers re: security until we actually meet someone who works there, knows security inside out and really knows for sure, what "we only think we know".  Good luck if you believe that you have the answer.

    I once questioned a banker friend about some information that I had been given, concerning their new security systems and he laughed.  "We put that out there so that people feel safe but they aren't.  We just can't keep ahead of the crooks!"

    Privacy would be an illogical expectation given the appellation "social media". I mean, how does privacy even enter into the equation?

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