    tagalog ng baguhin?

    0  Views: 882 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    See the top of this page...:baguhin alter verb
    baguhin amend verb
    baguhin change noun
    baguhin change noun
    baguhin modify verb
    baguhin renew verb
    baguhin revise verb
    umayos nang bahagya verb
    bumago nang kaunti verb
    tumuring verb
    turingan verb
    papanumbalikin verb
    magpanibagong-sikap verb
    magpapanumbalik verb
    magsimulang panibago verb
    muling pagsikapan verb
    smulang panibago verb
    magpanibago verb
    magpalit ng bago verb
    mag-ulit verb
    palitart halinhan verb
    palitan ng bago verb
    rebisahin verb
    umiba verb
    paghutihin verb
    magrebisa verb

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    Web definitions

    change: cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"

    change: become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"

    make an alteration to; "This dress needs to be altered"

    interpolate: insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

    remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?"

    (altered) changed in form or character without becoming something else; "the altered policy promised success"; "following an altered course we soon found ourselves back in civilization"; "he looked...with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing"- Charles Dickens

    Alter is a 2002 album by Portland, Oregon band Floater. Strong self-destructive motifs and a desire to return to an earlier time period are present in many of Alter's songs.

    The Alter Motor Car Company, of Plymouth, Michigan, produced over 1,000 automobiles between 1914 and 1916.

    Alter is a lunar impact crater that is located in the northern hemisphere on the far side of the Moon. It lies to the southwest of the larger crater Robertson, and to the east of Ohm.

    This is a list of notable people named Alter.

    A Data Definition Language or Data Description Language (DDL) is a computer language for defining data structures. ...

    (Altered (film)) Altered is a Straight-to-DVD 2006 science fiction horror movie. Altered is directed by Eduardo Sánchez who achieved some fame from directing the box office hit The Blair Witch Project.

    To change the form or structure of; To tailor clothes to make them fit

    (alterred) Common misspelling of altered

    (altered) Intentionally modified after the minting process, such as by changing the date or by adding or removing a mintmark, usually in an attempt to deceive collectors (example: 1944-D Lincoln cent altered to appear to be a much more valuable 1914-D)

    (altered) A coin, banknote, or other numismatic item that has been deliberately changed, usually to make it resemble a rare or more valuable piece.

    (Altered) a cat that has had its reproductive organs removed (either spayed females or neutered males).

    (Altered) A general description of a racing vehicle featuring an open cockpit, tubular frame, center driving position, and altered, cut down body from a passenger vehicle. Popular altered body styles were originally produced overseas including the Anglia, Fiat, and Bantam. ...

    (Altered) A term given to a car which is no longer stock. Usually given to a particular class of drag race car.

    (Altered) Borrowed · Neapolitan chord · Secondary dominant

    (Altered) To make changes to something or somebody.

    (Altered) When the appearance of an item is transformed. The item could be anything, such as cardstock, chipboard letters and shapes, and buttons and may be altered with products such as paints, inks, patterned paper and other craft items and materials. ...

    (Altered) an item which is recognizable in one form, which may have been changed or transformed into another form. ...

    (altered) A class of drag racer that starts with an automobile body and can then be modified in almost any manner.

    (altered) A term used on this site to describe a protein or gene that is somehow different from the most frequently occurring form (e.g., altered huntingtin protein, altered Huntington gene). An altered protein or gene is sometimes described as being “mutant.”

    Verb : al·ter /?ôlt?r/ pronounciationRelated terms:

    alters (3rd person singular present);altered (past participle);altered (past tense);altering (present participle);

    Change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way

    example: Eliot was persuaded to alter the passage

    example: nothing alters the fact that children are our responsibility

    example: our outward appearance alters as we get older

    example: an altered state

    Make structural changes to (a building)

    example: plans to alter the dining hall

    Tailor (clothing) for a better fit or to conform to fashion

    example: skirts with the hemlines altered a dozen different times

    Castrate or spay (a domestic animal)

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