    where can I renew my license in stamford and what times?

    0  Views: 417 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Your questions was posted a long time ago and it is not really surprising that you haven't had a response before, because you didn't say which Stamford or which license.  Now if it is Stamford, Lincolnshire, England, I must tell you that you are in a very beautiful part of the world, south Lincolnshire close to the Northamptonshire border, the land of spires & shires - somewhere I love very much and miss very much.  I used to describe it as the hidden jewel in England's crown because few people know that part of the world.  So take your time, wander around and admire some of those old buildings like I used to do.  Is the antique centre still there? the one in the old cinema - make sure you go round the back, it's a maze of little rooms on various levels, and you can find some wonderful bargains but you have to dig around for them?  Did you know the town was used by BBCtv for some of their classic serials (sorry, I'm no longer there & I can't rememberl which ones!!!).  It's an area full of history (Mary Queen of Scots was executed at Fotheringay Castle just down the road), it's full of stately homes (Althorpe, home of Diana, Princess of Wales, and now her final resting place).  OK - I've been accused before of being long-winded so I really must stop now - because of course if you ARE you there - you will know all this already.  Hope you got the license sorted.

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