    How do you know if your partner of 3 years is going to end it with you

    I would just like to know some of the warning signs

    +4  Views: 694 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Is he taking you for granted kimba. ?  Get your own intrests, go out with friends, some times. Then he might sit up, and pay attention, and realize your not depending on him 100%


    That is exactly what is happening, The more im seeing this change in him, the more i am letting him know that i need him and i know that doing this is a big NO NO.I believe that now he feels as though he has the upper hand and he is using it to his advantage.After the hell i went through with my ex, I swore to myself that i will never be under a mans thumb again and now ive sort of let it happen. I will take a step back and start being my own independent person. Thanks dollybird for your reply

    kimba, was happy to hear from you. My past experience, made me feel, same thing is happening to you. Now I have become bit hard, and am indendpendent. to a point. You will be better to be some what , your own person, because if things, dont work out as you would like, (And I hope they do)at least you will have gained some indendpendence. Good Luck.

    I am with missactive on this its called womans intuishions Cant spell the word have that gut feeling and you know things are not right if you are getting this say good bye its too late I dont have to tell you the signs they are already there i hope I am wrong or try what vinnie has susjested this might work but as you have said pehaps he is fed up in making all the decisions why dont you make the effort and suprize him good luck

    Lack of interest in you, all the sweet things they did before are not happening now, no phone calls or less phone calls, finding faults with you, pointing out your mistakes often, not being able to reach them like you used to.. there's more, do you need anymore?? 


    Thanks vinny, you confirmed what i thought was happening, i just tried to ignore it, thanks for your answer

    Kimba, maybe you need some 'spark' in your relationship, try suggesting things you've never done before, think of something 'off the wall' activity, something that makes you both laugh.. Break the 3 year bordom, think outside the box.. make it weird and fun..

    Kimba, the very fact that you are asking the question is a sign that something might not be quite right. I think Vinny's comments are helpful, if your partner shows no enthusiasm when you suggest different things this might be an indication that all is not well. I wish you luck,

    He's packing a bag in the middle of the night when he thinks you are asleep.That's a dead giveaway!

    His cell phone rings & he goes outside to answer it.

    He's coming home from work later & later.

    When you go to bed,he stays up to watch the late show.

    He's mean to your cat.

    When your family/friends drop in he goes out.

    Yeah I know I'm making fun of your question.But you don't say why you are thinking this way.


    Tommyh, in a way you were making fun of the situation. However, for the life of me I can't think of better indicators.

    She might check to see if he smells of expensive perfume (or cheap!)
    Lipstick on the collar- or anywhere else.
    Using the wrong name at the right time (If you get my drift)
    Yes, like Melandrupert says, "It's an intuition" thing.
    Good luck, Kimba. We've all been through it. (If those words help)

    maybe ask him, if there is a problem (and I think you already know there is) it might be best to discuss it openly and honestly, if needed ask him to go to a marriage counseler who can keep things on track and discussion can be maintained in calm manner. I think vinny had a good suggestion, perhaps a holiday or break from all the usual and often mundane reality of everyday life might help you both, good luck and I wish you well

    Thats not making fun of it, its actually quite true. i just find it hard to make my own decisions and i always need confirmation on things- i wouldnt be here otherwise!


    When you're sure that it's come to an end, be the first to leave! Calmly,
    quietly, no drama - just leave.
    Don't let him see you sweat or cry.
    I'm not an expert and I'm simply saying what i would do. If I'm wrong I'm sure I'll be corrected by someone who comes along.
    omg, I feel it for you!!

    You're the luckiest person on earth.  Let her be someone else's problem.  You are almost home free, Kimba. 

    I'd rather know the bad news sooner rather than later.


    if you doubting  your mate this seriously ,  I think  the decision may already be made

    After reading all the answers I find myself agreeing with all of them .That little voice is given to you for guidance and you should be listening to it at all times . When in doubt ask face to face point blank  and be prepared for the answer.  Now for the one thing no one said : Life is sucking for all in ways never before imagined by this generation . Every thing is upside down and the day to day stress is at a all time high . There may be more going on that you know in relation to job and money  that you know nothing of.. Maybe not ,perhaps the little voice speaks the truth and its time to exit . I dont know ,I do know breaking up sucks and I hope some how happiness finds its way into your life . May your road be smooth and the joys many . All my best   Bill

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