    What three famous people (living only...let's not be morbid) would you invite to a party if you could?

    +14  Views: 1228 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    FUN FUN FUN. You are the mistress of questions. It's fun to learn about other people here. Thank you for asking us about US.

    Warren Buffett, Dr. Oz and Doug Casey (well*known in investment circles; he had a NY Times Best Seller) who is extremely intelligent,has been to well over 100 countries has a tremendous grip on how to fix the world economically at least, and pulls no punches.

    Fish Girl: About your "coconuts", could you have meant this, instead of "lively"? (lol):

    Clonge! That was hilarious! I had no idea Merv could be that weird. That would be exactly what I mean by coconuts. :) Kay

    24 Answers

    ...Again, I am answering to stick my little fish photo in the answered box...Today is Thursday and I have to honor my promise to Bob?PKB

    My three guests would include:Eddie Vedder

                                                            Allan Rickman

                                                            the Dalai Lama

    A strange combination I admit but it's my party.


    Dalai Lama, I didn't think of him! Great answer.

    That man has a glorious sense of humor.

    Off the top of my head would be:  Harrison Ford

                                                             fish girl

                                                             George W. Bush would be fun........


    Hey...that would be a great party! ............this is my last time looking at 'Ask' today...darn it!...I have to get some work done!...oh poop!...Looks like it's going to be lively today.
    Have a spectacular day, take care and I will chat with you tomorrow....

    Among my guests would be

                                                     Mikhail Gorbachev

                                                     George W. Bush sen.

                                                     Helmut  Kohl


    That's a lively bunch of coconuts!

    Thanks fish girl. You should see them dancing the charleston! Super.

    Good answer for a conference, but for a party??!!!

    Sean Connery, Will Smith, Keanu Reeves!



    This is so cute.

    TUs not working ... dang!

    It is a party, right, not a conversation, well I would like to party with Will Ferral, Dana Carvey and Betty White. What a blast that would be.


    That would be a fantastic party. I hope I am invited. I'll bring hors d'oeuvres.

    Sounds good to me, thank-you.

    Let the fun begin!

    Oprah Winfrey

    Elizabeth Dole

    Bobby Knight


    Warren Buffet

    Bill Gates

    Billy Graham


    Lots of great repetoire, but nothing comes of it, as usual!!

    Bill Clinton,... Robert DeNiro,      and C K Louis!!!!!!!!  What a blast!!

    Rachel Ray,The Pope,and Colleen.I would love to hear the conversations that would ensue!


    I'd tell Rachel to quit eating her own food. None of it is healthy and she's gotten fat because of it. (At least she was getting fat the last time I saw her) The pope I have no respect for, sorry, would not be in the same room as that puppet.
    No exciting convos with those two. Find me some entertaining people. ;)
    metal face

    Sorry Colleen,I tried.How about President Obama,Margret Cho,and the Dalai Lama?Thanks for the laugh also! :D

    Robin Williams:  He's hysterical

    Willie Nelson: Good ole country boy

    Matthew Mcconaughey:  Good eye candy and he and Willie can work out in the garden together.


    What time and where?

    What would Willie Nelson be singing,All the girls ive loved before??

    To start the party on a 'high' note i would invite, John Lennon, George Harrison and Bob Marley, Bob can bring the plastic bag. ------ Sorry i did not read living only but they would certainly liven up a party.


    I don't think dead people are that lively..but if they were alive...that would be the partay or partays! I would really like to be there.

    Richard Dawkins, the Pope, and the Archbishop of Canterbury.


    OK umbriel, I would swap Williams for Cliff Richard. Or is that worse?

    Dawkins,the Pope and Al Gore.

    Reason, Faith and Bullshit.

    Charles Manson, O J Simpson and Casey Anthony. The menu would be spiced with rat poison with an antifreeze chaser. (Sorry about the morbid part)


    I'm not going to your party there would be too much denial going on...and Charlie really creeps me out.
    country bumpkin

    This should be interesting!

    Karinn Allyson Diana krall B.B.King great jazz singers and the King of the Blues old B.B.


    Ok you have convinced me...I do not hate jazz. This would be a fantastic party although I am not familiar with Karinn Allyson.

    Angela Merkel, Robert Devall and Tommy Kirk



    Fun party! Your list is as curious as mine.

    I thought mine would be a odd little gathering since Merkel doesn't speak English.I just found out she does speak English.That just made a cool party!
    you have me beat, a Buddhist, Ukulele (Pearl Jam) singer, and my man! Allan Rickman is witty, charming and scary! I wouldn't know whether to dance, pray or run!
    Just a bit of fun!

    I think Angela Merkel,is all i could handle at the moment,

    Id like britney spears, paris hilton and eminem


    oh my goodness!

    ick. ick. he would be interesting.

    My edit this answer has shown up some place else and it didn't get edited.   Oh well.

    I have three sons.  I can't remember the last time the four of us spent time together, just us.

    These people would be fun:
    My friend, Tom A.
    My friend, John S.
    My friend, Rachel T.

    Oh, a year has passed and I have changed my mind.  Let's invite Jack Jurek, Norm Duke, and Parker Bohn III.

    Justin Bieber and Justin Bieber and Justin Bieber

    What a pity that you are asking to name only three persons, cause I'd like to invite at least five Justins Biebers, for my friends





    That is hilarious...I should have said Eddie Vedder three times!...but I think his wife will only let one out at a time.

    What country are you from Fish girl?

    Canada.... bulletman

    OBAMA MEL GIBSON My WIFE. its been a long time since she had a good laugh .OBAMA singing "Buddy could you spare a "Dime GIBSON singing "IAM HURT (that you are screwing me for my money)


    You are hilarious.

    Thank you Fish girl laughter makes the world go round So laugh girl and the world laughs with you,"cry and your on your own.Have a good day.

    Colleen, Randy and Darrin

    Benjamin Netanyahu -leader of israel

    Bono- lead singer from the band u2

    Howard Stern-shock jock


    That would be a party to be a fly on the wall for!

    Jack Nicholson. I told I'm a carbon copy.


    Oh my goodness! That changes everything!

    Fishlet, Avril Levigne, and George W. Bush. Hahahah.






    It amazes me how your Presidents wear U.S. Flag pins, it that so they remember what country they are leading.

    Here you go, this is better ;)

    I'm sorry Fig, i don't follow you?

    What happens if Avril brings Chad?

    @Fizhee- That's cool, it might be too much for George though, but that's what I was looking for!!
    Blessings Sweeshy :)


    @ Fig duFlair ... I imagine George wont mind as long as the Chadly One doesn't break out into song. :) .... and Peace Lovely Fig.

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