    If you could have one talent that you do not... What would it be?

    Unfair question I have 2... Spelling ang singing

    +6  Views: 871 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Play a musical instrument. practically any instrument.


    It's not a matter of rythym or talent anymore.Arthritis in the hands stops me from doing a lot of things where dexterity is needed.

    I dunno who starts these viscious rumours.LOL

    To sing in Carnegie Hall.


    Can you sing????

    Yes, a baritone soloist.

    Thank you. Have a nice day.

    I went to school for 2 yrs to become an interpreter. My parents were very upset with me. So I quit. I wish I  had stood my ground.


    awww.. that sounds awesome!!! I had to quit a few things in my life it would have piad to stick with... Never by choice always by cercimstane... So I understand the "what if".



    LOL!!!!! SING your heart out. girl!!!! LOL.. I dont know how you did it either... but I love your reaction to it...

    LOL...Way to go Fish !!!

    I Jenn I cant sing or play any insrument would love to sing my mother use to say I sounded like a fog horn!


    LOL... Sweet mom.. honesty is so rare.

    Thanks Jenn I love my mom to bits but she was very blunt with those words they could stab you in the heart.... xx

    thanks dondowningir oxoxox

    always wanted to be a magician. I have a few awesome illusions that I can do at anytime. But I always wished I could be a true master magician. Then all I would need is a sexy assistant. Hey jenn, wanna be my assistant?


    Sure as long as the pay in outstanding!

    drums i would like to play drums thats not a bad ? thanx


    I dont play any instaments... I am terribly clumbsy!!! Butdrums and bass would be my picks.

    i got some time on my hands now i think ill give it a try

    I can't carry a tune in a tin bucket... I'd like to be able to sing...

    Its never too late to learn a musical instrument, I learnt the piano when I was a kid, and have played on and off for 50 plus years, now for the past 2 years I have been learning the clarinet. It's difficult but it's never too late. But you need the time  to practice every day. Lessons cost about £10 to £12.50 per Half hour in England. The most important thing is to enjoy it.


    How very true, the most important thing is to enjoy it. For many years I would spend hours every day playing my instrument. No matter what trials and tribulations there were I could always pick up my instrument and be in another world, oblivious to any distractions. Sadly, two years ago, I started losing my sense of touch in two fingers of my left hand and I am now confined mostly to listening. But music continues to give me the greatest pleasure, shared only by my love for animals.
    Incidentally, one of my brothers played clarinet in the Central band of the Royal Air Force. He, together with twenty other musicians of the R.A.F. Band Germany lost their lives in a tragic accident on a german autobahn in 1985.
    I wish you another 50 years of music making.

    west-bus , I know what you mean when you say that when you picked up the instrument you could be in another world.So sorry to hear about the loss of your brother,hope you have many good memories of him. I always worry about damaging my fingers incase I couldn't play any more.Looks like you may be a cat lover so am I.

    I've always wished I could play a guitar, but I'm tone deaf.

    ONLY ONE??  I think I would like the talent or skill of being focused, diligent, menatlly & physically fit, sincere, charming, and capable.  That way I could develop all the talents and skills that I would like.  Examples:  crafts (sewing, knitting, crocheting, painting, jewelry, creative ideas requiring dexterity, patience, and perseverance), athletics (golf, tennis, swimming, skiing, running, bowling, bicycling), musical (I have played piano since age 7, but mechanically....add guitar, banjo, harmonica, trumpet, drums, vocals). I would also like to expand the writing skills I do have and become a published author (poems, short stories, novel).  I would use my charm and sincerity to develop better relationships with people.

    That's just the short list!


    I think you have all the charm and sincerity that can be packed into one person!

    LOL. I love you, too. This question caught my eye immediately, and it was no surprise to see the author! Hope you are having a wonderful day.

    Be a writer. Pen a novel.


    Do it!!!! I believe in you!

    I think you could do this.

    I am lucky there is a lot of things i suppose i can sing  so family and people that know me say .But i cant play any instrument Strange!! i would like to play piano or guitar "Hey you know i am happy of what my mother give me, taught me to sing in tune   I sing at partys look at peoples smiling faces and think "What the heck I"ve got something. To make people happy is the biggest gift anyone can have.

    Wish I could sing, especially country songs.



    Lern 2 spel

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