    Should it be illegal for a country to allow their volcanos to pollute other countries?

    +2  Views: 1153 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    What are you gunna do about it? Put a cork in it?



    lmao that would be one big ass tampon lol

    NO, what a silly idea.... Get real..........

    YOU cannot be for real with that kind of question how can you stop polluting the air from a natrule disaster!

    cant control mother nature so no

    How obsurd!


    Absurd, Jenn. Next time just click thumbs down rather than show your spelling skills.

    No thanks.. I dont think it deserved a thumbs down.. Just a comment... Most ppl think my spelling is "absurd" but I live with my faults as well as my awesomeness!!! LOL

    At least Jenn has an excuse. What's yours amfortas?

    How are they suppose to control the volcano and where the ash and gases go?


    Maybe we could sit him on top and let him fill up with hot gas...

    Sounds like a plan. :)

    what next sue the country from where a earth quake started a sunami...

    This Question takes the cake!

    Just throw a nuclear bomb and finish the lot of them...or...we could get Julia to put a carbon tax on those countries.

    take and throw all the illegal marijuana down in it and EVERYBODY will be happy. DUH


    maybe the dude who blows weed smoke on puppys has some use for the volcano guy we'll call him hot lips LOL

    Amfortas  play like Joe and the volcano  and  Good luck we're all counting on ya !!!!


    Amfortas, why be so rude to Jenn, reguarding, showing of her spelling skills. Didnot realize need Unie, degree in spelling here.!!. Let the person who is Perfct, throw the first stone, bet it wont be you. !!

    that would be like my nighbers sueing me for damage to a door on theie building from things of mine hitting it during the flood we just had but then i would have to sue my other naighbor cuz i wouldnt have gotten that bad if the water hadnt run off his hill ,, and so on .. insted we all just worked together a cleaned it up

    I asked the question because the USA raised it in the UN. Perhaps some here - perhaps Colleen- could write to their Senators and Congressmen and suggest that THEY are stupid instead of casting your misplaced wrath on me.


    Why me? You can write them as well as I can. Where is anyone's wrath? You should have added that you heard it from the UN. You are responsible for your questions and how they are worded. If you don't want to be responsible for a dumb thought, make sure you give credit to the one it belongs to.

    It isn't about you Colleen. You were mentioned simply because you do most of the writing here.

    I do most of the answering because this is a question/answer site. Someone has to answer while others are only asking.

    chill out man I think you just didn't put your words in the right order of things. LOL

    @ Umbriel ??????

    Rephrase it next time and give credit to this absurd question to those who deserve it.


    I'll read your longer information in a little while.  Of course, it is ridiculous to try to punish someone for volcanic smoke, ash, and lava that humans can't control.  The US is full of stupid people with stupid ideas and no morals who are in charge.  I don't know who votes for them, but there they are (Boxer and Feinstein at the top of MY list of worthless).
    If I am not mistaken, California imposes fines on cities who exceed some pollution levels.  It seems people are supposed to not use their vehicles and "enjoy" public transportation.  Fit your life into government's schedule, using P.T., pay for it, pay your taxes, don't water on Monday, don't smoke in your own home or outside, no red or blue clothes in the schools, signs in multiple languages......
    Oh, am I getting bitter here?  My son traveled the US last summer.  Sadly, he reports that life isn't much different in the 44 other states he visited.
    Long live the American nightmare.

    It's in God's hands where the volcano dust and lava goes. Don't blame the citizens of other countries Don't live near a volcano

    No I do not think it is the country`s` fault as it is "a act of God" so lets go sue him, after all he is responsible for all the s--- that happens. Let him stand up in a court and justify his actions like the rest of us.

    OK, everyone who raised objections, I will rephrase.

    It has been suggested at the highest levels that what happens in one country that deleteriously affects another, then that country should be held to account. Some things happen naturally; some by neglect in human activity; some by accident. Other countries get affected and have to expend vast sums to clear up the problems caused.

    Whatever the cause, natural or otherwise, our current Laws, national (usually) and International, have clauses for compensation once 'blame' or responsibility has been assigned.

    It is also suggested that we 'punish' ourselves with additional taxes to 'cope with' carbon dioxide ( amongst other substances) that we produce, despite the clear fact that one volcano in Indonesia is currently producing more polution per annum than the entire human output throughout history.

    Chernobyl produced far less radio-active pollutant than even a small volcano. Indeed, Mt Etna produces more annually. Yet we do not have any sort of mechanism for assigning costs appropriately to the effots that all countries have to expend to counter atmospheric pollutants.

    Simultaneously we are called upon to pay taxes or charity contributions to pay for the cost of clearing up disasters in other people's countries. America is in the forefront of generosity in this, contributing vast sums, often in the billions to deal with natural disasters and man made ones which have even just minor impact in the USA. It is comendable, but very costly.

    The question was raised almost obliquely in the UN. I put it here.

    Personally, I think it is a sensible issue to ask about and needs sensible thought to answer it.

    American taxpayers provide the salaries to their representatives to ask such questions, and yet here, on this site, some call the question stupid !  If you think it IS stupid, then deal with your representatives and perhaps ask your own questions about paying the salaries of stupid people. But don't whine to me about it. Ask yourself if you are stupid for paying them, maybe.

    Or maybe think about the question a little more deeply and see if there is some merit and why, rather than just dismiss it or cast aspertions on a member here..

    I have read many questions on this site. many quite intelligent questions. Most have been asked in many other places and times by many other people. "Is there a God?" for instance. None here usually refer to those previous questions or who asked it. I do not see it as relevant, m'self. But some here do, it seems.

    Perhaps our moderators can apply their made-up-on-the-go rules to everyone equally instead of simply rubbishing me for asking a question and omiting to say it had been asked recently elsewhere by Government representatives or joe bloggs.

    I do not have a personal stance on the answers. I am happy that the question can be dismissed or answered in any way relevant to the question. I do however have a problem with people shouting me down simply because I have disagreed with them in the past. Play the ball, not the man, especially if you are moderating here.

    I have no doubt at all that I will recieve yet another email threatening me with 'suspension' or have this answer changed by our moderator, even though I am trying to be polite and reasonable. It is an effective way to drive people out of a personal feifdom.



    "Or maybe think about the question a little more deeply and see if there is some merit and why, rather than just dismiss it or cast aspertions on a member here.."

    Had you asked the question with more depth and information like you've posted here, the answers would have been different. You are responsible for the questions you ask and the amount of detail you include in your questions. You can not get upset if people do not read your mind and know where you're coming from. I was not the only one to point this out to you.
    If you continue to accuse me of being unfair just to get an attack in on me, yes you will find yourself suspended.

    Now understand, when I post to a question, I am posting as myself, not as a moderator. I am allowed that. I moderate when I need to and I take it to e-mail when I can so the members do not have to put up with the drama I get back from those I have to e-mail. You chose to bring the drama to the forum. I chose to shut it down. That is what a moderator does.

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